
Clarence Thomas Has Already Issued a Perfect Response to Media Members Who Want Him to Quit the Supreme Court


Justice Clarence Thomas is quite accustomed to liberals’ attempts to get him off the Supreme Court.

They don’t seem to have bothered him in the least.

The latest came Sunday night on HBO when John Oliver made a specularly awful attempt to bribe Thomas to retire with cash and a luxury motorhome.

“So that’s the offer: a million dollars a year, Clarence, and a brand new condo on wheels, and all you have to do in return is sign the contract and get the f*** off the Supreme Court,” the host of “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver” declared.

In the wake of that, it’s worth revisiting a clip from two years ago of Thomas.

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He was taking questions during an event at the Old Parkland Conference in Dallas on May 13, 2022. The focus of the forum, hosted by John C. Yoo, was racial inequality and the Supreme Court.

In response to a question about media criticism and scrutiny, Thomas told the audience, “One of the things I’d say in response to the media is when they talk about, especially early on, about the way I did my job, I said, ‘I will absolutely leave the court when I do my job as poorly as you do yours’ — and that was meant as a compliment, really.”

His remark was greeted by laughter from Yoo and the crowd, with the justice adding, “It really is good to be me. It really is.”

Thomas was utterly unbothered, laughing with the audience and cheerfully poking fun at both himself and the hysterical liberal media.

And the media have been plenty hysterical in their coverage of him, especially in 2022 during the lead-up to the Dobbs v. Jackson case that overturned Roe v. Wade.

Joy Reid, on her MSNBC show and social media, called the justice “Uncle Clarence” more than once (an obvious allusion to the racial slur “Uncle Tom“).

Likewise, The Washington Post published (and then revised) a piece that called him a “Black justice whose rulings often resemble the thinking of White conservatives,” and outlets from “The View” to CNN have criticized and ridiculed Thomas, often on a racial basis.

Moreover, Thomas faced one of the most hostile confirmation hearings after those of Robert Bork and Brett Kavanaugh.

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Not only was his hearing presided over by none other than then-Sen. Joe Biden, but it also was plagued with false accusations of sexual harassment and overall abominable treatment of Thomas courtesy of Biden and the other Democrats.

Thomas didn’t pull himself out of dire poverty in rural Georgia and contend with blatant racism just to fold over ignorant comments from a late-night host who’s more concerned with earning liberal brownie points than being funny.

As disgusting as Oliver’s attempt to bribe the justice to retire was, it’s nothing compared to the attacks Thomas has deflected and defended himself against for over 30 years.


He is made of much sterner stuff than his leftist critics seem to think.

If Oliver wants Thomas to “get the f*** off the Supreme Court,” he’s going to have to try a lot harder than that.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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