
Civil Rights Attorney Leo Terrell Slams Michelle Obama's Trump Attack: She 'Lied in That Video'


Leo Terrell knows a liar when he sees her.

So when the noted civil rights attorney — and prominent Donald Trump supporter — saw the video Michelle Obama released on Tuesday claiming the protests that have swept the country since May have been “overwhelmingly peaceful,” he didn’t hesitate to speak out.

“Respectfully, the first lady lied in that video,” Terrell said on Tuesday night’s “Hannity.”

“Everyone in this country can see the chaos and the burning in the Democratic cities. And she wants us to disbelieve what we can see. And that very eloquent approach, as if she really cares…

“She lives in a very wealthy area.”

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Check out Terrell’s appearance here.

For anyone who missed the target of Terrell’s tirade, below is a segment of the 24-plus minute video posted to YouTube Tuesday titled “Closing Argument.”

In it, Obama makes the ludicrous claim that the protests that have destroyed parts of Seattle, Washington, Portland, Oregon, Chicago, New York City, Philadelphia, and Kenosha, Wisconsin, weren’t the orgies of destruction they looked like — just apparently forceful demonstrations of the desire for “racial solidarity.”

What made Obama’s claim so risible wasn’t simply the fact that she was asking viewers, as Terrell put it, “to disbelieve what we see.” It was the spurious use of a statistical argument — an apparent reference to a Princeton University study that claimed to find 93 percent of demonstrations did not involve violence. (Do Black Lives Matter activists talk about the overwhelming number of police-civilian encounters that don’t end up with someone getting shot?)

Making matters worse, the study was basically an argument against holding the protesters themselves responsible for property destruction, looting and arson.

“In some cases where demonstrations did turn violent, there are reports of agents provocateurs — or infiltrators — instigating the violence,” the report states.


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Other causes included an allegedly violent response by local governments as well as, of course, President Donald Trump’s administration. (Part of Obama’s argument was calling Trump a “racist.” No liberal public appearance is complete without that canard, no matter how false it is.)

It would take a supreme act of self-delusion to buy the argument in the study, or the former first lady’s video. And Terrell has not built a law career or national reputation on self-delusion. A successful black man, he can see for himself the difference between Trump and his predecessor.

“The reason why Donald Trump got elected is because this country rejected the Obama-Biden administration. And that is why we’re here today,” Terrell told Hannity.

He then ticked off numerous ways Trump’s presidency has benefited black Americans, including aid to higher education, prison reform, and a record-setting economy in the years before the coronavirus struck.

“As far as calling Donald Trump a racist? Shame on you, Michelle Obama. Tell us what Obama did. Donald Trump has given positive reform for black Americans. Historically black colleges, low unemployment rate, First Step Act.

“She will call him a racist and not tout what Obama did because he did nothing for black people. And just because she is black, that doesn’t’ give her credibility,” Terrell said.

Larry Elder, the popular conservative talk show host who appeared on the “Hannity” program in the same segment, called Obama out for propaganda that is not only false in its premise, but actually endangers lives.

“If anything, the police are more hesitant, more reluctant to use deadly force against black people than against white people.

“The government has been looking at this since the ’90s … They cannot find any pattern that suggests anything like ‘systemic racism.’

“It’s not only wrong, it’s also getting people killed. Cops pull back, bad guys know it. And some nut cases are going to feel that the narrative is true and ambush cops … all because of this phony narrative pushed by people like Michelle Obama, Barack Obama and the Democrats.”

It’s not a secret that the Democratic Party and its media echo chamber has been counting on the lie of “systemic racism” to drag Joe Biden, the doddering Democratic nominee, over the finish line in November’s presidential race.

But what Terrell and Elder were pointing out was how dangerously delusional the propaganda actually is.

It’s not just that Obama’s so-called “argument” is wrong, it’s that it’s dangerously wrong, raising the spectacle of Americans dying in service of what amounts to a Democratic Party campaign advertisement about an illusory problem of institutional police bias against black people.

From a less educated person, or from a casual observer, Obama’s statements might simply be wrong.

From a woman with a degree in law, whose very claim to influence is based on Democratic Party propaganda, it’s not simply an error, it’s an outright lie.

Fortunately, there are prominent voices like Leo Terrell and Larry Elder who are there to call it out.

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