
Chuck Schumer Gets Shredded After Comparing Capitol Chaos to Pearl Harbor Attack


There’s nothing so shameful that Chuck Schumer can’t make it worse.

The Senate minority leader’s flair for melodrama is so well known that in a city full of publicity-hungry politicians, it’s an old joke that “the most dangerous place in Washington is between Chuck Schumer and a TV camera.”

But when it comes to cheapening one of the darkest moments in American history with a comparison to the current political crisis, it’s nothing to laugh about.

The New York Democrat’s usual hyperbole took on an offensive tone on Wednesday when he likened the mob violence that interrupted the scheduled certification of November’s election results to the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor that killed almost 2,500 Americans and launched the country into World War II.

“President Franklin Roosevelt set aside Dec. 7, 1941, as a day that will live in infamy,” Schumer said on the Senate floor. “Unfortunately, we can now add Jan. 6, 2021, to that very short list of dates in American history that will live forever in infamy.”

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The chaotic incursion at the nation’s Capitol on Wednesday was inexcusable and no doubt a blot on the nation’s political history, but comparing it to the bloodbath that struck the United States Pacific Fleet almost 80 years ago is more than overwrought.

It borders on the obscene.

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As the rest of Schumer’s speech made clear, the Democratic left — with the slavish assistance of the Trump-hating mainstream media, of course — is going to use the incident to attack not just President Donald Trump and his supporters, but also the entirety of the Trump presidency.

Check it out here:

It will certainly be used to try to dismiss all doubt as to the legitimacy of the 2020 election.

That’s not going to be easy to do. A poll taken in the immediate aftermath of the Nov. 3 vote showed a whopping 73 percent of Trump supporters did not believe the election was fair.

Even assuming that number has changed over the ensuing months, there’s no doubt there are many who have well-founded doubts about how honestly — or dishonestly — the election was run.


There’s also no getting around the fact that the outrage Schumer and his Democratic colleagues are voicing now would have a shade more legitimacy if it had arisen over the long, hot months of 2020, when Black Lives Matter and antifa rioters were pillaging the streets of American cities, causing a good deal more death and damage than anything that happened on Wednesday.

Instead of outrage from the left and the mainstream media, Americans were told repeatedly that the violence stalking their streets was “mostly peaceful,” even as buildings burned.

Obviously, what happened on Wednesday is nothing for the country to be proud of.

Violent mobs invading the halls of government is something Americans expect to see from Third World hellholes, not their seat of government in Washington.

And Democratic hyperbole and Pearl Harbor comparisons aren’t helping at all.

But when it comes to making things worse, Schumer apparently can’t help himself.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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