
Christian Leader Who Saw Trump Winning In 2016 Sees God Bringing Victory Another Way in 2020


Noted Christian speaker Lance Wallnau, who prophesied a win for Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election, sees him winning a second term, but believes the Supreme Court will likely play a decisive role in the final outcome.

Wallnau predicted a Trump win in an article for Charisma Magazine, published Oct. 5, 2016, titled, “Why I Believe Trump is the Prophesied President.”

USA Today later featured him in a story about “the evangelicals who prophesied a Trump win.”

In the 2020 election, Wallnau sees God’s providence in play in the elevation of Amy Coney Barrett to the high court.

“I think God is playing chess,” he told The Western Journal following a large Christian event near Phoenix over the weekend hosted by the BridgeBuilders International Leadership Network.

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Wallnau believes the race for the presidency will be close and there will be questions about the integrity of the ballots, leading to court challenges.

“I think it’s going possibly to the Supreme Court, and one vote [will make the difference], because I can’t count on [Chief Justice John] Roberts for anything. One vote could actually make Trump an appointed president rather than an elected president, which of course will release chaos,” he said.

Wallnau is currently going to electoral battleground states on “The Chaos Tour,” which so far has included stops in Florida, North Carolina and Arizona.

For the Christian leader, chaos is not necessarily a bad thing, if it uproots bad structures in government and society.


In October 2016, Wallnau released the bestselling book “God’s Chaos Candidate” in which he argued that Trump would be a “wrecking ball” to political correctness as well as a protector and a promoter of Christians, much like the ancient Persian King Cyrus was to the Jews.

Wallnau just published a sequel to “God’s Chaos Candidate” titled “God’s Chaos Code” in which he addresses other Old Testament parallels to current times.

To explain the Trump-Cyrus similarities, Wallnau pointed to Isaiah 45 in the Bible, in which the prophet Isaiah predicted over a century before the events transpired that a king named Cyrus would arise and “subdue nations” and play a key role in the lives of the Jewish people.

“For the sake of my servant Jacob, and Israel my chosen, I call you by your name, I name you, though you do not know me. I am the Lord, and there is no other, besides me there is no God,” Isaiah wrote around 740 B.C.

“I equip you, though you do not know me, that people may know, from the rising of the sun and from the west, that there is none besides me.”

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In 597 B.C., Jerusalem fell to the Babylonians, marking the beginning of the captivity for the Jews. Many of them were marched back to Babylon to serve as slaves.

Approximately 60 years later, Cyrus conquered Babylon and later issued a decree allowing the Jewish people to return to Jerusalem and rebuild their temple.

Wallnau sees Trump, like Cyrus, as someone who was not among God’s people when called by the Almighty (“you do not know me”) to fulfill a major leadership role but was surprisingly friendly and faithful to them in his governance.

“And the parallel for me was this is the most significant Old Testament character who was not a Jew, who God used with more impact for the Jews than any other Jew,” Wallnau said.

He told the hundreds of attendees at his Phoenix event he did not see Trump at first as God’s candidate when he met with him at the Trump Tower in August 2015, along with a small group of other Christian leaders.

Wallnau wasn’t really sure why God had him there to interface with a “heathen from New York,” he joked, rather than candidates who shared his Christian faith, such as former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Dr. Ben Carson and Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and Marco Rubio of Florida.

Wallnau’s remarks at the event begin at approximately the 2:02:00 mark.

After Trump listened to what the faith leaders had to say, he offered some thoughts of his own, according to Wallnau.

“If you don’t mind me saying so, you guys have really gotten soft,” Wallnau recalled Trump saying to the group.

The future president pointed to how Christians were portrayed in the establishment media and how their faith was removed from the public square, particularly in the previous decade or so.

“I’m convinced you guys are the most powerful force in the country. I don’t know if you know it, but I really believe that,” Trump said, according to Wallnau.

He said he sees a “common grace” operating through the president. It’s a term from the Reformation, Wallnau explained, regarding a grace God can put on a secular leader to “restrain lawlessness” and the works of the devil.

Wallnau pointed to Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill as examples of leaders who operated under this grace though perhaps not Christians in the evangelical sense of the word.

At the urging of Pastor Darrell Scott, Wallnau shared with Trump at another 2015 Trump Tower meeting the concept of “common grace,” as well as the Cyrus-like calling he saw on the Republican candidate’s life.

At his Phoenix event, Wallnau exhorted Christians to base their support for the president not on whether he shares their faith or always acts in Christian ways, but on how he governs.

“The question isn’t, ‘Is he a Christian?'” Wallnau said. “The question is, ‘Is he chosen?’ Is common grace working through him?”

Trump’s record of supporting the issues evangelicals care about is strong, including backing the right to life, appointing conservative judges, upholding religious liberty and moving the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

“It’s like you have to be a blind man not to see that this guy has an unusual fidelity to Christians,” Wallnau said.

Wallnau will be hosting the As One Prayer Rally on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., on Saturday and Sunday to pray for the nation and “tip the scales of heaven where America’s spiritual battle converges.”

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