
'The Chosen' Delivers Shocking Response After LGBT Gear Spotted on Set of Popular Christian Series


The official Twitter account for the series “The Chosen” defended the presence of an LGBT “pride” flag on the set of the show during a recent YouTube promo for its upcoming season.

The show, if you haven’t seen it, is the only multi-season drama ever made that follows the life of Jesus.

Since its debut in 2017, the show has attracted a huge following and has succeeded without the backing of any major studio and with the help of everyday Christians.

But the Dallas Jenkins-created and directed drama confused viewers who are eager for the fourth season when a still shot of a rainbow flag was noticed on some production equipment during filming.

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Former sports reporter and current Turning Point USA contributor Jon Root was among those who have rightly demanded an answer for why it was there.


Tuesday morning, he received a response directly from the show’s account.

The verified account for “The Chosen” shocked fans when it defended the flag, whoever put it on the set and also told people that it was no big deal.

“Just like with our hundreds of cast and crew who have different beliefs (or no belief at all) than we do, we will work with anyone on our show who helps us portray or honor the authentic Jesus,” the show responded. “We ask that audiences let the show speak for itself and focus on the message, not the messenger, because we’ll always let you down.”

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It is not clear who if any single individual involved with the show authored the response.

Root is calling on Christians to walk away from the show.

The LGBT “pride” flag and everything it stands for of course runs counter to the teachings of the Bible.

Proverbs 11:2: “When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom.”

That flag is not a signal for unity or a celebration of people who are loving, kind, or tolerant — as Jesus was.

The so-called “pride” flag represents a degenerate and unrepentant political movement that is working overtime with Big Tech, Hollywood and Big Business to corrupt the country’s vulnerable, lost, and innocent.

This is a group that wants to sterilize children and lead them to a life of perpetual sin, misery, and confusion.

The flag’s presence on an independent show about the daily life of Christ is truly confounding and should lead viewers to ask themselves if “The Chosen” is worth supporting any further.

There are plenty of people in the country who are more than capable of working on the production of a show about Jesus who would probably take up such an opportunity without pay and out of a sense of duty.

“The Chosen” did not hire those people and instead opted to staff season four with at least one person who found it appropriate to display an anti-Christian hate symbol on the set.

The worst part is it didn’t appear to bother anyone until fans noticed.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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