
'Chilling:' Facebook Hammered for Censoring Story on Marxist BLM Co-Founder's Real Estate Buying Binge


Facebook has once again censored a story from the New York Post for the sole reason that it did not like the content, in perhaps the most blatant overstep yet by the tech giant.

On Saturday, the Post published a story detailing the home-buying spree of Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors. The outlet reported that the self-proclaimed Marxist has spent $3.2 million on four homes in the last few years and backed up its findings with certifiable evidence.

We here at The Western Journal also published a story about the buying spree because it was big news. According to Facebook, though, it isn’t news at all — or at least not news worth sharing.

The New York Post editorial board reported that Facebook completely removed the original story from the platform on Thursday, saying it was “violating [Facebook’s] privacy and personal information policy.”

As the editorial board pointed out, this is a completely indefensible explanation.

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“This decision is so arbitrary as to be laughable,” the board said. “Does Facebook know how many newspapers, magazine and websites highlight the real estate purchases of the rich and famous?”

“The next time People magazine covers Kim Kardashian’s latest mansion purchase, will it violate any community standards? How about running a picture of the resort Ted Cruz is staying at?”

The Post even took precautions to make sure that it was not invading Cullors’ privacy. The outlet reached out to the BLM activist for comment, added a statement that she didn’t take a salary from BLM to the story and made sure not to publish any addresses of the properties.

Facebook took the article down anyway, clearly signaling that its decision had everything to do with politics despite its phony explanation.


The Post said the incident “again highlights just how much power these social media companies have over our lives, and our nation.”

It wasn’t just the Post that took issue with the article being removed. Fox News contributor Joe Concha blasted Facebook’s decision on Friday’s episode of “America’s Newsroom.”

“This story around Black Lives Matter, we’re talking about four homes valued at $3 million, the head of New York City’s Black Lives Matter chapter is calling for an investigation,” he said.

“How is that not a story? Black Lives Matter is a powerful entity, they raised more than $90 million just last year, they should not therefore be exempt from scrutiny or accountability, but Big Tech apparently has their back and says, ‘Nothing to see here, we’re going to censor this. It is chilling.”

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As both Concha and the editorial board pointed out, this is now the third time that social media corporations have actively censored stories from the Post in the last year.

“In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, we published a column that suggested the virus could have leaked from a Chinese virology lab,” the Post reported.

“Facebook’s ‘fact checkers’ decided this was an opinion you weren’t allowed to have, and blocked the article. Today, it’s a commonly discussed theory, with officials from former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield to CNN’s Sanjay Gupta saying it can’t be discounted.”

More notably, Twitter suspended the Post’s account after it published multiple stories regarding Hunter Biden’s laptop in October. The stories turned out to be overwhelmingly true, and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey reportedly called the decision a “total mistake.”

In this case, Facebook is censoring a completely factual story. Public records indicate that Cullors did, in fact, spend $3.2 million on four houses, and no one has denied it.

Instead of accepting the fact that one of its woke friends may not be as innocent as she appears, Facebook decided to actively hide the story by fabricating an explanation that it violated the platform’s policies.

Make no mistake — this decision was purely partisan.

Of course, it’s possible that executives at Facebook were just afraid of being called racist for reporting actual facts. After all, the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation put out a statement effectively calling anyone who reported on Cullors’ extravagant purchases a white supremacist.

“The narratives being spread about Patrisse have been generated by right-wing forces intent on reducing the support and influence of a movement that is larger than any one organization,” the organization said on Monday.

“This right-wing offensive not only puts Patrisse, her child and her loved ones in harm’s way, it also continues a tradition of terror by white supremacists against Black activists.”

The group fails to explain how reporting a completely factual story regarding Cullors’ spending habits amounts to spreading a narrative that BLM proponents apparently think is false.

Could it be that she opened herself up to criticism by hypocritically purchasing lavish real estate properties during a pandemic despite her stated commitment to Marxism, not to mention the liberal talking point that COVID-19 has been disproportionately affecting minority populations? No, it must be racism.

It is unclear what exactly led Facebook to take the Post article down. It could have been pressure from BLM, or it could have been employees’ own liberal tendencies.

What is clear, however, is that this move by Facebook had nothing to do with its privacy policy and everything to do with its Democratic agenda.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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