
Chicago Construction Crew Blocks View of Illegal Migrant Encampment Site from Local News Station


Chicago’s “sanctuary” policies are becoming a massive problem for residents of the city.

In October, a City Council committee approved the $1 purchase of a vacant lot on the city’s Southside to house a temporary tent camp for illegal immigrants, according to WBBM-TV.

The 6.5-acre site is expected to hold up to 1,400 illegal aliens, conflicting with existing plans to redevelop the property into retail, housing and park space.

Now, construction crews have begun work on the controversial encampment despite continued protests from residents.

Live on the scene on Sunday, WFLD-TV reporter Kasey Chronis provided an update sure to anger already fed-up Chicagoans.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

She said that within 15 minutes of her arrival, construction workers covered the chain-link fence surrounding the site with a black screen, “seemingly so that no one from the outside could see in.”

“A few minutes before that,” she said, “they had positioned city vehicles right in front of our camera.”

Notwithstanding the apparent efforts to hide the construction site, WFLD had already gotten footage of mounds of dirt, construction equipment, city vehicles and work crews preparing the location against residents’ wishes.

Chronis noted that there is no clear timeline for the completion of the encampment, but officials insisted that the previous redevelopment plans for the site would go forward next fall.


The message is clear: City officials know their own residents don’t want this, but they’re going to build it anyway.

“As a taxpayer, it makes me feel horrible,” community member Annette Cain told WFLD. “They are not listening to the people.”

Jequetta Vaughn asked the question that must be on many of her neighbors’ minds: “What about us?”

The growing rift between residents and authorities is the result of Chicago’s “sanctuary” policies running up against reality as thousands of illegal migrants stream across the border and into the city.

According to WBBM, more than 19,800 “asylum seekers” have arrived in Chicago since August. With city-run shelters overflowing, some are staying in police stations and in O’Hare International Airport.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

Chicago leaders now have to decide where their priorities lie — with the long-suffering residents of their city or with illegal migrants and farcical “sanctuary” policies.

Eventually, something’s got to give.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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