
Charles Payne Explodes on Liberal Fox News Co-Host in Epic Takedown of Biden


The left loves to criticize former President Donald Trump for his unfiltered and politically incorrect speech, especially when referring to his political opponents.

Trump’s unorthodox language, which often goes against traditional standards of political and presidential discourse, is continually portrayed as offensive, narcissistic and even dangerous by the liberal media.

Because, for the left, words are violence while actual danger — such as the rising threat of the open border — is not.

But Charles Payne, host of Fox Business’ “Making Money with Charles Payne,” put it all into perspective in fiery comments during Fox News’ coverage of the New Hampshire primaries on Tuesday.

“I don’t think it’s narcissism,” Payne said, referring to Trump’s style. “I think it’s — you’ve lived in New York long enough, you know, maybe it’s a New York thing — someone punches you, you punch them back harder. That’s the way I grew up in Harlem.”

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Fox News host Jessica Tarlov — a Democratic strategist and fierce Trump critic — cut in to say, “Not if the country’s at stake, right?”

“He became president of the United States with that same personality,” Payne responded.

He proceeded to destroy the left’s narrative about Trump’s language, pointing out that it is really Biden who demeans and denigrates half of the population of the country.

“Listen, I think it’s worse with Biden calling MAGA,” Payne said.


“Biden’s anger and hatred and vitriol for MAGA is far more, worse than President Trump’s individual battles with someone who crosses him,” he said. “That is something that is really detrimental to this country — that the president of the United States despises half of the United States.”

Payne went on to talk about the “articles after articles” that came up when he Googled “Biden hates MAGA.”

“The bottom line is he says it,” he told Tarlov, who attempted to interject that the articles might have been written by those opposing Biden. “He has vitriol for them and so has MSNBC and so does CNN and so does The New York Times. They have vitriol for half of the nation.

“They don’t look at them like fellow Americans, and it’s unfortunate. They try to paint them as racist. All the things that they do to their fellow Americans who simply want a safe home, a safe community for their children and prosperity.

“They want the same thing! But they demean them all the time.”

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“That’s why I think what [Dean] Phillips was so intriguing,” Payne said, “because he went to a rally to find out for himself and guess what? ‘Golly! These are some pretty cool people! They’re just like us!'”

Host Bret Baier had kicked off the discussion when he said Phillips — a Minnesota congressman and longshot Democratic presidential candidate — had acknowledged that members of his party “demean MAGA voters.”

On Tuesday, Phillips told a CNN host point blank that the Democratic Party is “delusional.”

He revealed that he had gone to a Trump rally recently for the first time and “met probably 50 Trump people waiting in line — every single one of them thoughtful, hospitable, friendly — all of them so frustrated that they feel nobody’s listening to them but Donald Trump.”

Payne’s frustration with the Democrats’ inability to see Trump supporters as anything but racist bigots struck a chord with many on social media.

Payne’s words were the heart cry of the 74 million Americans who voted for Trump and feel ostracized by the media and are labeled racists and bigots simply because they choose to live their lives according to their beliefs.

The left has turned the phrase “Make America Great Again” into an abusive slur and those who espouse it into pariahs to be shunned.

It’s no wonder that the country is more polarized now than it has ever been — it’s the way the left wants to keep it.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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