
CBS Runs Lovefest Segment on 'Most Powerful Woman' Nancy Pelosi


“CBS This Morning,” a liberal morning “news” program, illustrated once again that the establishment media’s credibility has cratered beyond redemption.

In a sycophantic segment Tuesday shilling a book celebrating Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, co-host Tony Dokoupil hailed the open-borders advocate as the “most powerful woman in American history.”

Dokoupil made the remarks in a nauseating preamble to an interview with Susan Page — the Washington bureau chief of USA Today — about her new biography of Pelosi titled “Madam Speaker.”

“Pelosi’s political education and evolution into the most powerful woman in American political history is the subject of a new biography,” Dokoupil said.

“‘Madam Speaker: Nancy Pelosi and the Lessons of Power’ is by USA Today Washington bureau chief Susan Page, who joins us now,” he said.

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“The most powerful woman in American political history — I think you could probably drop ‘political’ and just say ‘the most powerful woman in American history.’ She is second in line to the presidency, twice elected speaker of the House.”

Dokoupil’s cloying reverence for Pelosi should alarm his audience (but won’t, because these are the times we live in), in large part because “CBS This Morning” touts itself as a “news” program, when it’s actually left-wing infotainment.


Naturally, Page showered over-the-top plaudits on Pelosi to promote her book, which is not an objective biography of a career politician, but a living eulogy.

“I interviewed her just last week for USA Today and she talked about the events of Jan. 6 with some candor,” Page said. “She said that she thought that, in fact, that mob on Jan. 6 did intend to kill her. But if they caught her they would’ve had a battle on their hands because she’s a street fighter.

“Then she lifted up her foot, pointed to her four-inch stilettos and said she would have used these as weapons. So she is a tough interview, but also such an interesting, consequential person in American history.”

Predictably, Page slammed former President Donald Trump to rave about the 81-year-old California Democrat — because there’s no cure for pathological Trump Derangement Syndrome.

“Well, I’ll just say that Donald Trump is back in Mar-a-Lago in a forced retirement and Nancy Pelosi is still the speaker of the House,” she chirped.

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“It’s almost as if her entire career, all these decades at the center of power, were preparation for her to become the Democratic face of the opposition to Donald Trump, I think, really burnished her reputation and made, I think, some Americans realize how important she had been previously, not perhaps gotten all of the credit that she had deserved.”

Dokoupil asked Page what was the biggest lesson she gleaned from Pelosi’s 34-year career in politics.

“There’s a lesson she learned from her father, who served three terms as the mayor of Baltimore,” Page said. “It was no one was going to give you power. You have to seize it. … It is advice she has given to other politicians. It has made her gain power, hold power and wield power.”

The CBS host submissively chimed in: “She has been very effective at it.”

This sickening lovefest between two liberal “journalists” fawning over a politician the way teenage girls coo over their favorite boy band is emblematic of how the establishment media has devolved into the public-relations arm of the Democratic Party.

It confirms the assertions of former CBS News reporter Lara Logan, who said the establishment media no longer consists of objective journalists, but rather left-wing political activists aggressively pushing liberal agendas.

“The media everywhere is mostly liberal, not just in the U.S.,” Logan said in 2019. “But in this country, 85 percent of journalists are registered Democrats.”

“Although the media has always been … left-leaning, we’ve abandoned our pretense or at least the effort to be objective today,” she added.

She said given the establishment media’s one-sided liberal bias, the public can never accept the “news” they’re being fed as factual and objective.

“How do you know you’re being lied to? How do you know you’re being manipulated?” Logan asked. “How do you know there’s something not right with the coverage when they simplify it all, and there’s no gray? There’s no gray. It’s all one way.

“Well, life isn’t like that. If it doesn’t match real life, it’s probably not. Something’s wrong.”

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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