
CBS Reporter Predicts 'Black Swan' Event in 2024: 'Fertile Ground for Our Adversaries'


If you feel an impending sense of doom because of the alarming domestic and international crises that have erupted during Joe Biden’s disastrous presidency, you’re not alone.

CBS News investigative reporter Catherine Herridge said she’s worried a “black swan event” will rock the nation in 2024 as foreign adversaries try to capitalize on the weakened, divided state of the nation.

“I just feel a lot of concern that 2024 may be the year of a black swan event. This is a national security event with high impact that’s very hard to predict,” Herridge said Sunday on “Face the Nation.”

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

She added: “There are a number of concerns I have that factor into that. Not only this sort of enduring, heightened threat level that we’re facing — the wars in Israel, also Ukraine.

“And we’re so divided in this country in ways that we haven’t seen before. And I think that just creates fertile ground for our adversaries like North Korea, China and Iran. And that’s what concerns me most.”

A “black swan” is a negative, unpredictable event that has devastating, far-reaching consequences. The term was coined by statistician Nassim Taleb in his 2007 book, “The Black Swan.”

Herridge, who is married to Air Force Lt. Col J.D. Hayes, made the ominous comments when asked her predictions for the New Year. She said significant threat levels will loom over 2024 for several months.


“Based on my reporting, we’re in this incredibly dynamic threat environment right now,” she said.

“The most recent bulletins talk about a heightened threat environment throughout the winter — not just around the holidays and New Year’s Eve — which is what we traditionally see.

Numerous commenters on the social media platform X agreed with Herridge’s dire prediction and blamed Biden for endangering national security with his de facto open-borders policy.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

Other X users expressed concern about possible election fraud in the forthcoming presidential race.

Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin reported that in September, 18 illegal aliens who were on the FBI terror watchlist were caught, bringing the fiscal year total to 169 — the highest ever recorded, and higher than the previous six years combined.

As a reminder, the Customs and Border Protection reports only record the illegal aliens who were caught or surrendered voluntarily, since many more — known as “got-aways” — are known to have entered the country but escape capture and roam our streets undetected.

But it’s not just daily invasions by armies of illegal aliens that are undermining national security.

During the past two years, the Biden administration has pulled military weapons from U.S. stockpiles a shocking 44 times to provide arms to Ukraine, according to the State Department.

“For Ukraine, the Secretary has exercised authority delegated by the President to direct 44 drawdowns of defense articles and services from the Department of Defense since August 2021,” according to the State Department’s Dec. 12 Fact Sheet.

Thanks to this president’s numerous raids on American munitions and tax dollars, our cupboards are running bare.

Similarly, Biden’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal led to $7 billion in U.S. military equipment falling into Taliban hands.

The weakness and ineptitude this administration is projecting has emboldened America’s foreign adversaries and made the United States a ripe target. Biden’s toxic policies, coupled with his embarrassingly doddering demeanor, has made the U.S. a global laughingstock.

We cannot withstand four more years of this insanity.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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