Campaign Donations Show the 'Flagship' Publication for Evangelicals Has Been Captured by the Left
UPDATE, Oct. 12, 2023: This article has been updated to include a statement from Christianity Today CEO Timothy Dalrymple.
Christianity is the last line of defense for the West. It is surrounded and under siege.
The left’s long march through the institutions trudges on. One of the architects of the long march was Herbert Marcuse who described the strategy as “working against the established institutions while working in them,” according to Spectator World.
That the march has been successful cannot be denied. Look at people like Democratic congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Jackson, both wokesters who are bent on furthering the radical left’s agenda.
Then there’s woke Vice President Kamala Harris and diversity hire White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. It would appear that the radical left is almost done with their intrepid march through the institutions that built Western civilization.
But they haven’t won yet. The institution of Christianity must be conquered before the left can declare victory, and the wokesters are on the march and gaining ground.
The staff and leadership of Christianity Today, which has been called the flagship publication of evangelicalism, has been captured by the left, according to the Daily Wire.
Just look at who they donate money to.
For example, “Between 2015 and 2022, nine Christianity Today employees made 73 political donations,” Megan Bashman reported.
“All of them went to Democrats. This tally includes President and CEO Timothy Dalrymple, who gave $300 in two separate payments to failed Georgia Senate candidate Sarah Riggs Amico.”
Amico is pro-abortion and wants to protect the practice “without exception,” according to the Daily Wire.
Her platform also aims to repeal the Hyde Amendment and allow federal tax dollars to fund abortions. Amico is also a “staunch LGBTQ ally.”
Bizarrely, Amico claims abortion — the intentional taking of an innocent life — is healthcare. What happened to Hippocrates — the father of Western medicine — and his definition of healthcare “First do no harm”?
Abortion is healthcare.
Abortion is healthcare.
Abortion is healthcare.— Sarah Riggs Amico (@SarahRiggsAmico) March 4, 2020
Almost two-thirds of evangelicals, on the other hand, believe that abortion should be illegal in all or most cases, according to a Pew Research poll.
Nevertheless, in CNN loon Jake Tapper posted that in 2019 CT demanded “Trump Should Be Removed from Office; It’s time to say what we said 20 years ago when a president’s character was revealed for what it was.”
Christianity Today: “Trump Should Be Removed from Office; It’s time to say what we said 20 years ago when a president’s character was revealed for what it was.”@CTmagazine
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) December 19, 2019
Looks like another rift between CT’s leadership and readership. According to Pew, “Most White Americans who regularly attend worship services voted for Trump in 2020.”
According to Gallup, 76 percent of white evangelicals voted for Trump. Trump may be a lot of things, but his agenda is anything but progressive.
Billy Graham, who founded CT, would not be happy about this. He was against abortion for one thing.
“Abortion has divided our nation like no other issue in recent times. The Bible places the highest value on human life. It is sacred and of inestimable worth to God, who created it ‘in His own image.’ The Bible recognizes the unborn as being fully human,” Graham wrote.
Former President Donald Trump spoke regularly of Graham’s “towering example of faith from the campaign trail in 2016,” according to ABC News.
David Brody, author of “The Faith of Donald J. Trump: A Spiritual Journey,” told ABC, “Trump has an affection for Billy Graham based on the fact that his father loved Billy Graham.”
Whatever the case, it’s a safe bet that Graham would not be in today’s leftist camp with its extreme views on abortion, sexuality and a complete disregard for traditional morality.
According to the Daily Wire, CT news editor Daniel Silliman “made eight donations to five different pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQ candidates, among them, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren’s presidential campaign.”
The Society of Professional Journalists maintains that editorial staff should “never contribute to candidates or campaigns,” according to the Daily Wire.
Reporters covering politics should have “almost no political activity.”
Even leftist organizations take the SPJ seriously. Publications like The New York Times, The Washington Post, and NPR, “have disciplined and/or fired reporters who flouted these rules.”
Nevertheless, “two editors at Christianity Today contributed to Democratic campaigns at the same time they were covering politics.”
Tom Ascol, president of Founders Ministries, a theologically conservative organization said, “I grew up reading Christianity Today. My mom was an early subscriber. So, I remember when it was a helpful publication under the leadership of Carl Henry and his contemporaries.”
We’re not in Kansas anymore. We’re in some weird woke Oz. Ascol isn’t surprised.
“The fact that modern CT staff have financially supported pro-abortion, pro-sexual perversion candidates does not surprise me at all,” Ascol said. “The magazine long ago lost its biblical moorings and has been under the influence of progressives and leftists for years. It’s tragic. And it’s a reminder to evangelicals that institutions that faithful Christians build are always in danger of drifting left,” according to the Daily Wire.
It’s sad. Even Christians fall for the lies of the left if they’re told enough times. Are they really Christians or Marxists disguised as Christians?
The left has marched through our institutions one by one while conservatives sat and watched. Many believed — like myself — that the radical nature of the left, its denial of reality — would implode on itself. It didn’t. It flourished like fungi in the dark.
If the institution of religion falls, the West fails. Don’t let it happen. When in doubt, turn to your Bible. If a so-called Christian says or writes something contrary to established Biblical tenets, don’t ignore them Call them out. Then find an authority who sticks to Biblical principles to back you up.
It beginning to look like the Bible is the only thing you can trust.
In an email late Wednesday to The Western Journal, Dalrymple responded to the report.
“Ms Basham appears to have relied on the FEC database, which covers only a subsection of political donations,” the Christianity Today CEO said. “It shows donations to both parties. It does show many recent donations to ActBlue, the donations clearinghouse for the Democrat Party, but nearly all of those were small-dollar donations (likely yard signs and pins) from three employees in the creative and tech departments who are free to support whomever they choose. I gave to a personal friend as a token of friendship, just as I have given to friends who ran for office as Republicans.
“The media bias charts I’ve seen have placed Christianity Today on the center right, probably because we are clearly pro-life and defend a traditional Christian vision of sexuality and the family. Most fundamentally, though, we are committed to Jesus and the Bible.
“We welcome all readers, Republican or Democrat, who seek to advance the stories and ideas of the kingdom of God.”
This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.