
Border Tsunami: HHS Dumping Underage Illegals in US as Fast as It Can, Still Can't Keep up


As school starts in Los Angeles County this month, every single student, regardless of vaccination status, will be subject to routine COVID-19 testing and required to wear a mask at all times.

Those are stringent requirements for American schoolchildren to simply attend classes at the public schools their parents fund.

Yet there are considerably fewer requirements for children to remain in the U.S. after illegally crossing the southern border with their parents.

On Monday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced the extension of Title 42, a Trump-era policy that allows border authorities to quickly expel migrants due to the coronavirus pandemic.

However, at a time when children are crossing the border in record numbers, they will be exempt from the policy, USA Today reported.

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Migrant kids are still arriving “faster than they can be released” into the country by the Department of Health and Human Services, according to The Washington Times. Data released Monday showed that over the previous five days, Border Patrol apprehended 2,765 unaccompanied minors, while HHS released only 2,397, the outlet reported.

In June, border agents encountered 188,829 illegal migrants, a yearly high. Thousands of migrants have been packed in border facilities all year, drawing scrutiny even from establishment media outlets that are consistently criticized for treating the Biden administration with kid gloves.

Just last week, HHS whistleblowers filed a 10-page complaint alleging that the administration sought to downplay a COVID-19 outbreak among hundreds of migrant children in “overcrowded” conditions and failed to put in place proper protocols to prevent the spread of the virus.


Earlier in July, border officials were told to prepare for the arrival of as many as 6,000 migrants each week.

All while the Biden administration attempts to scare and badger American citizens into the lockdown mentality yet again.

This makes absolutely no sense.

If the administration’s dire messaging about the delta variant is to be taken seriously, authorities should be deporting illegal migrant children as quickly as possible.

It has been obvious since Day One that the Biden administration’s goal is to flood the country with illegal immigrants. Why?

The progressive left not only tells us that our nation still sees regular incidents of racism, but that racism is literally baked into the system and utterly inseparable from our founding principles.

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One of the left’s oft-cited indications that the U.S. is irredeemably “racist” is legislation requiring legal ID to vote — I’m sure that’s just a coincidence, though. As is the fact that illegal immigrants are more likely to vote for the people who advocate for them to be given legal status.

The same people flinging the doors open at the southern border call you a bioterrorist for walking around without your face covered, even if you’ve received the vaccination that was supposed to prevent you from spreading the virus that migrant kids are currently carrying into the country.

And the Biden administration won’t even deport these children for the sake of stopping the spread.

The cognitive dissonance is deafening.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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