
Border Patrol Agents Apprehend 10 Convicted Sex Offenders Crossing Border in a Week


The Biden administration’s lax border policies continue to endanger public safety, including jeopardizing the well-being of American children.

Between May 17 and Monday, U.S. Border Patrol agents in the Del Rio sector of Texas arrested 10 convicted sex offenders shortly after they illegally crossed into the United States.

Several had previously been convicted of raping and sexually assaulting children, Del Rio Sector Chief Patrol Agent Austin Skero said in a statement Wednesday.

He noted that the criminal illegal aliens were apprehended thanks to the heroic efforts of Border Patrol agents.

“The majority of these criminals were apprehended in our sector’s most remote areas, attempting to avoid detection by crossing far from populated areas,” Skero said.

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“Our agents’ sign cutting and tracking skills were instrumental in capturing these criminals, preventing them from infiltrating our communities.”

Between May 17 and 23, Border Patrol agents arrested several Mexican nationals with prior felony convictions in the U.S. for:

• Sexual assault and sexual conduct with a child under 13.
• Sexual assault of a child under 14.
• Sexual assault of a child.
• Forcible sexual abuse.

During that same period, authorities also arrested two Honduran nationals with felony convictions for statutory rape and second-degree sexual assault of a child.


And on May 24, Border Patrol agents arrested two Mexican nationals with prior felony convictions.

One had previously been convicted of lewd and lascivious acts with a child, while the other illegal alien had been convicted of lewd and lascivious molestation.

Since Oct. 1, Del Rio sector Border Patrol agents have arrested 95 convicted sex offenders in that Texas region alone. That’s a whopping 3,166 percent surge over the same period a year ago.

Meanwhile, over the weekend in “sanctuary state” California, Border Patrol agents in the El Centro Sector arrested three illegal aliens with prior convictions for sex crimes.

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All three had previously been removed from the country (at taxpayer expense) pursuant to deportation orders from immigration judges, CBP revealed in a news release.

Amid this trio of apprehensions, a fourth illegal immigrant with a prior sex-crime record — a Honduran national — was also arrested over the weekend in the El Centro sector.

He too had previously been deported in 2010, CBP noted. Shockingly, the felon was convicted of sexual battery in 2017, which means that after he was deported in 2010, he snuck back into the country and committed another heinous crime.

Since Oct. 1, El Centro Border Patrol agents have arrested and/or removed 26 illegal aliens who were either convicted or wanted on sexual offense charges.

If you’re keeping count, this means that 14 illegal aliens with prior convictions for sex crimes — including rapes and sexual assaults of children — were apprehended last weekend alone. And that was in just two sectors in two states monitored by Border Patrol officials.

This is on top of the previous weekend, when Border Patrol agents near Abrams, Texas, apprehended two convicted child molesters hidden in a caravan of 10 illegal aliens — including one unaccompanied child.

One of them was a 28-year-old Salvadoran man who had previously been arrested for raping a child in Washington state.

These are merely the ones that got arrested by our overworked Border Patrol agents. There are countless others roaming free because they escaped apprehension, thanks in part to the efforts of Democratic politicians who encourage their daily invasions.

Every day, illegal aliens who were previously convicted of a wide variety of horrific crimes — including murders and child rapes — illegally cross the border and fan out across the country.

Maybe they’re lurking in your neighborhood.

The United States is already besieged by a terrifying crime wave because of the left’s “defund the police” hysteria.

The fact that the Biden administration continues to downplay and ignore the border apocalypse it spawned underscores that it prioritizes the needs of unvetted illegal aliens over those of taxpaying American citizens and legal residents.

Every American should ask the Biden administration why their tax dollars are being wasted on the bloated salaries of callous White House occupants who don’t even care about the safety and well-being of the people they’re supposed to serve.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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