
Boot-Licking CNN Analyst Refuses to Defend His Colleague, Lauds 'Confident' Biden After He Dressed Down Network's Reporter


CNN sided with President Joe Biden over its own reporter Wednesday after he lashed out at her on foreign soil and pointed his finger at her while the world watched.

Biden is finally holding media briefings with some degree of regularity. But the 78-year-old often stammers, appears confused and is easily agitated.

Wednesday evening in Geneva, he channeled his agitation at CNN White House reporter Kaitlan Collins, who had asked him why he felt “confident” that Russian President Vladimir Putin would alter his behavior after the two met for around three hours earlier in the day.

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“I’m not confident he’ll change his behavior. What in the hell?” Biden said to Collins. “When did I say I was confident?”

“What I said was — let’s get this straight — I said what will change their behavior is if the rest of the world reacts to them and it diminishes their standing in the world,” Biden added, pointing a finger at her. “I’m not confident of anything. I’m just stating the fact.”

Noting that Putin’s own solo media briefing sharply contrasted in tone to Biden’s, specifically with regard to potential cyberattacks originating from the country, Collins asked, “So how does that amount to a constructive meeting?”

“If you don’t understand that, you’re in the wrong business,” Biden lashed out.


Did CNN stand up for its reporter — the very same reporter who so often twisted the words of former President Donald Trump? Of course not. In fact, CNN’s on-air lapdogs praised Biden for being so tough, which he isn’t.

Immediately following Biden’s frustrated meltdown, CNN reporter Jeff Zeleny was asked to evaluate the media briefing by anchor Wolf Blitzer — who did not at all appear bothered to have seen his colleague stripped of her dignity in front of the world.

“Wolf, it was clear when President Biden was answering Kaitlan’s question there, he said he’s not confident at the behavior of President Putin. But one thing he is confident, [is] in his new role on the world stage. As he considers the last several days — the last week, indeed — of traveling across Europe, really leading him to this point, he is leaving his first foreign trip declaring it a success or at least on the pathway to it,” Zeleny said.

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“Wolf, it is quite striking to just see the confidence in his approach, in his tone, as he really handles all of this,” he added, noting Biden even took off his jacket. “He certainly was comfortable in that moment.”

Yes, Biden certainly did look comfortable tearing into a CNN reporter, who asked a question not related to ice cream, even if her network is little more than a part of the disinformation apparatus for the White House.

But CNN could have at least made an attempt to pretend that it is in the middle and only there to report facts. Democracy dies in darkness, right? A president being combative with the media is morally reprehensible, according to what we were told by the establishment media when its reporters spent four years putting their full weight into being the Trump administration’s key opponent.

Zeleny’s only comments directly related to seeing his colleague humiliated came later, when he noted that those close to Biden like to keep him away from fielding questions from those who are not pre-screened.

“What we have not seen him do is answer questions like that without his aides screaming at him to stop. I have never seen a president, covering the last four of them, who is so protected by his aides in terms of often not wanting him to answer some questions,” Zeleny said.

How brave of Zeleny and the rest of his comrades to take a stand against an agitated Democrat going off on a woman who had asked a question of Biden that required critical thinking to answer.

Calling himself a “wise guy,” Biden even attacked the media as a whole later when apologizing for the meltdown on Collins.

“Look, to be a good reporter, you’ve got to be negative. You’ve got to have a negative view of life, it seems to me,” Biden said before leaving Geneva. “You never ask a positive question.”

Doesn’t that sound familiar? Didn’t we just spend four years hearing the former president rightly complain that the establishment media is filled with nasty reporters with questions meant to push “fake news?”

In this case, one reporter asked a legitimate question with no apparent malice behind it, which wouldn’t have been the case had Trump been standing up there, and Biden flipped his lid.

What did CNN do? Biden’s lapdog network praised him for his confidence.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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