
Book: Biden Let 65 Afghan Terrorists Into America After Disastrous Withdrawal - Just Look at What They'd Done


Two years after President Joe Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan humiliated his country on the world stage, the episode isn’t looking any better.

The terrorist Taliban Islamist cult remains in control in Kabul. The American families who lost loved ones in the terrorist attack on Karzai International Airport remain infuriated at the incompetence and callousness of their president.

And, according to a new book by two established national security authors, it’s even worse than Americans ever knew.

The book is “Kabul: The Untold Story of Biden’s Fiasco and the American Warriors who fought to the End,” by Jerry Dunleavy and James Hasson.

The book is due for release Tuesday, but the U.K.’s Daily Mail reported Sunday on one of its most disturbing findings: Scores of terrorists whose fingerprints were found on improvised explosive devices intended to kill American troops were among the tens of thousands of Afghans who were allowed into the United States in the chaotic evacuation from Kabul.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

Since then, the Daily Mail reported, the men have disappeared, invisible to a government that “cannot track them down.”

“The dangerous individuals let into the U.S. included multiple men whose DNA was found on explosives defused by American forces,” the report said.

“Another was a prisoner ‘liberated’ by the Taliban while they were running riot across the war-torn country on the way to Kabul,” the Daily Mail reported.

So, not only has Joe Biden disgracefully opened the southern border to all comers — from all countries — but his biggest foreign policy disaster in the White House allowed sworn enemies of the country, men who have literally taken up arms against American forces, to set up lives in the nation they despised.


The authors put the number of known anti-American fighters let into the country at 65, but the true figure is almost certainly much higher.

The book noted, according to the Daily Mail, that the potential threats were identified by the Army’s National Ground Intelligence Center, the Charlottesville, Virginia-based command that gathers information about enemy forces.

The Daily Mail quoted passages from the book:

“As of February 2022, the National Ground Intelligence Center (NGIC) had identified at least fifty Afghan military-age male evacuees—none of whom was an [special immigrant visa] applicant—who had been flagged as significant security risks by the Defense Department.

“By August 2022, that number had risen to sixty-five.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

“The NGIC identified them by matching their intake files with biometric data stored on Defense Department servers.

“The individuals identified by NGIC included men whose fingerprints had been found on IEDs defused by US troops.”

So men who’ve been identified as enemy combatants by evidence that would likely hold up in a court of law have been allowed to enter the United States freely — probably aboard an airplane while taking a seat that should have gone to a U.S. citizen, or at least an Afghan who hadn’t been trying to kill Americans.

And how many Afghan fighters who didn’t leave their fingerprints on IEDs, or provide their identities to the military in other ways, came to the United States in the chaotic exodus? No one knows.

Just as no one knows how many of the millions of “asylum seekers” who have poured across the border under the misbegotten Biden presidency are child sex traffickers, drug dealers or terrorists from nations besides Afghanistan who are exploiting the soft underbelly of American security.

The Afghanistan disaster was a signal moment in the Biden presidency — the time the inescapable truth became apparent that the government in Washington is fatally inept to handle the demands of being the leading world power.

The military giant defeated by the ragged men of the Taliban, that surrendered its weapons the way a humiliated, defeated military force would, would never be in a position to seriously threaten its rivals under a president of Biden’s character.

Does anyone think it’s an accident that Russian President Vladimir Putin, who invaded and actually annexed part of neighboring Ukraine while Barack Obama was the president — then invaded nothing during the Trump administration — saw fit to invade the rest of the country when Joe Biden was in the Oval Office?

Is there any doubt that the stunning, unforgivable weakness Biden showed the rest of the world with the Afghan withdrawal is playing its role in the aggressive calculations of Xi Jinping in Beijing?

And now, thanks to Dunleavy and Hasson, two authors with unassailable conservative credentials, the country is learning that what many had already suspected was true: The Biden administration and the American military allowed literal enemies of the country inside its borders for no reason other than Joe Biden’s ineptitude.

The conservative website The Federalist published the prologue of “Kabul: The Untold Story” on Monday; it can be viewed here. In taut, vibrant writing, it describes the scene at Karzai International on the day of the terrorist attack that killed 13 American servicemen and women.

And it concludes with a warning:

“And unlike the tens of thousands of Americans and Afghan allies abandoned in Afghanistan on Aug. 31, 2021, the consequences of the administration’s failures in Afghanistan have not remained in Kabul; they’ve unleashed a dangerous new global dynamic that will be felt for some time to come.”

Americans need to remember that as the nation heads into a new election year.

In 2024, the disaster of Biden’s craven defeat in Afghanistan could look even worse.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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