
Bombshell Hits Trump's Georgia Trial as Jim Jordan Opens House Investigation: 'Politically Motivated ... Misuse of Federal Funds'


Politically coordinated hit jobs aren’t just the stuff of movies and television shows. These days the news cycles are filled with rumors and denials about progressives coordinating attacks on former President Donald Trump to prevent him from running for president in 2024.

Politicians have agendas, and they’ll do anything to achieve them. It’s only natural that progressive politicians — with their beehive mentality — coordinate their efforts.

In Georgia, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has long been suspected of trumping up charges against Trump. GOP House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan has suspected as much from the get-go. Jordan is like a bloodhound trained to sniff out the truth. Once he catches the scent, getting him off the trail is almost impossible.

Jordan’s never left the trail of Fani Willis.

On Tuesday, Jordan sent a letter to Nathan Wade, an associate of Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, “demanding documents and information about the coordination of the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office (FCDAO) with other politically motivated investigations and the potential misuse of federal funds,” according to a news release from the Judiciary Committee.

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“Although Fani Willis has so far refused to cooperate with the Committee’s oversight, invoices that Nathan Wade submitted for payment by the FCDAO, and made public as part of a court filing, highlight this collusion.”

It’s worth noting that earlier this week, one of Trump’s co-defendants backed off accusations of Willis of having a “personal, romantic relationship” with Wade where both made financial gains from the relationship, according to Atlanta News First. Wade was hired to assist Willis in the Trump investigation.


Jordan’s latest letter to Wade said, “On August 14, 2023, with your assistance, Fulton County District Attorney Fani T. Willis indicted a former President of the United States and current declared candidate for that office. According to a recent court filing, you have been paid more than $650,000—at the rate of $250 per hour—to serve as an ‘Attorney Consultant’ and later a ‘Special Assistant District Attorney’ in the unprecedented investigation and prosecution of the former President and other former federal officials. This filing also alleges that while receiving a substantial amount of money from Fulton County, you spent extravagantly on lavish vacations with your boss, Ms. Willis.”

“Although Ms. Willis has so far refused to cooperate with our oversight of the FCDAO’s coordination with other politically motivated prosecutions,” the letter continued, “invoices that you submitted for payment by the FCDAO, and made public as part of this court filing, highlight this collusion. This new information appears to substantiate our concerns that Ms. Willis’s politicized prosecution, including the decision to convene a special purpose grand jury, was aided by partisan Democrats in Washington, D.C.”

Willis’ refusing to cooperate is an understatement. On Aug. 24 of last year, when Trump was arrested and booked in the infamous Fulton County Jail on charges he and his allies pressured Georgia’s Republican secretary of state Brad Raffensperger to find more votes for him, among other alleged nefarious acts, Jordan smelled something rotten in the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office.

According to ANF, Jordan sent a letter to Willis demanding to know whether she had used any federal money to fund her investigation — which had lasted over two years — into Trumnp’s actions in Georgia. Jordan also wanted to know if Willis had coordinated her investigation with the U.S. Justice Department.

Weeks went by before Willis sent Jordan a letter on Sept. 7 that — wait for it — attacked his character, rather than answering the straightforward questions.  Willis claimed Jordan — who has a law degree — lacked “a basic understanding of the law, its practice, and the ethical obligations of attorneys generally and prosecutors specifically.”

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Progressives like Willis are predictable. When an accusation or inquiry hits too close to home, the claws lash out, like cats on meth. Sticks and stones.

When Jordan sent Willis another letter on Sept. 27,  she replied by saying, “A charitable explanation of your correspondence is that you are ignorant of the United States and Georgia Constitutions and codes. A more troubling explanation is that you are abusing your authority as Chairman of the Committee on the Judiciary to attempt to obstruct and interfere with a Georgia criminal prosecution.”

Once again, Willis evaded the question by hurling insults. Will Wade follow suit? If he does, it may not end well for him.

Jordan is after receipts. He wants facts, not the twisted fever dreams of progressives infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome.

It doesn’t look like he’s going to stop until he gets them.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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