
Bodycam Video Shows Warnock Run-In with Police After Allegedly Hurting Wife


Democrats and their media lapdogs continue to run cover for accused left-wing wife abusers, as evidenced by the yawning lack of establishment media interest in the abuse charges leveled against Raphael Warnock, a U.S. Senate candidate from Georgia.

Imagine the media hysteria if Warnock were a Republican. The story would likely have been plastered all over cable news for the past few months.

Warnock is trying to unseat incumbent Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler in a January runoff election. The race is being closely watched because it will help determine if the GOP retains control of the upper chamber of Congress.

In March, Warnock’s now-ex-wife, Ouleye Ndoye, told police that her husband had run over her foot with his car during a heated argument over their children. Ndoye works for Atlanta’s Democratic Mayor, Keisha Lance Bottoms.

On Tuesday, Fox News host Tucker Carlson aired the police body camera video of the incident’s aftermath, where Warnock cavalierly dismissed Ndoye’s claims.

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“Did you run over her foot?” the officer asked, according to Fox, who released parts but not all of the footage.

Warnock appeared somewhat uncertain about whether he had committed the offense.

“I don’t think so,” he reportedly replied. “I do not think so.”


Warnock’s blasé demeanor is noteworthy because not only is he a candidate for political office, but he’s also a religious leader. (Warnock has been the senior pastor at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta since 2005.)

Warnock explained to the officer that tensions had been escalating between him and his wife, who were in the process of getting divorced. He then admitted that he attempted to drive away while Ndoye was trying to stop him.

“I don’t want to get into a shoving match with her. So I go back around, get back in the car, and I slowly start to move, like I’m going to move forward,” he recounted, according to Fox. “Then she claims I ran over her foot.”

When the officer asked for Ndoye’s version of events, she reportedly said she and Warnock had argued because he refused to give his signature for a passport so she could take their children to West Africa to attend their grandfather’s funeral.

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“He’s like, ‘Ouleye, close the door. I’m leaving,’” she reportedly told the officer.

“And I was like, ‘Just hear me out. If your mom died and I had the kids, wouldn’t you want me to let them go with you to the funeral? And he just starts backing the car up. He wasn’t going fast, I’m not bleeding. But I just can’t believe he’d run me over.”

When asked if she thought Warnock had intentionally tried to run over her foot, she reportedly said yes.

“Obviously. I was standing here,” she recounted, according to Fox. “The door was open and I’m leaning into the car. How can you drive the car when I’m leaning into it?”

Ndoye also indicated to the police officer that her husband is a “great actor” who only cares about his public image.

“This man’s running for United States Senate, and all he cares about right now is his reputation,” she explained. “I’ve been trying to be very quiet about the way that he is for the sake of my kids and his reputation.”

Ndoye added that she has tried hard to stay silent, but can no longer do so.

“I’ve tried to keep the way that he acts under wraps for a long time, and today he crossed the line,” she said. “So that is what is going on here. And he’s a great actor. He is phenomenal at putting on a really good show.”

Warnock was never charged with a crime, and medical officials said they found no visible signs of injury to Ndoye’s foot. The couple divorced in May.

The incident was first reported by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution in March, but has not been widely publicized despite the high-profile nature of the Georgia runoff race.

Warnock has recently come under fire from conservatives for his anti-military remarks.

Despite his divisive rhetoric, the Democratic Party has rallied around him, just like they do to other controversial Democrats.

This unity is a stark contrast to how the establishment GOP routinely turns on President Donald Trump, even though he’s currently the leader of the Republican Party. All this is great news for Democrats, who could soon control all three branches of government and ensure one-party rule.

In 2018, former Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison was accused of physically abusing his ex-girlfriend during their 2016 relationship. Despite this and a separate allegation of abuse from another woman claiming to have had a relationship with him, Ellison was elected the attorney general of Minnesota.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden’s pick to lead the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Democratic Rep. Marcia Fudge of Ohio, once praised a domestic abuser who later pleaded guilty to stabbing his ex-wife to death. (Keep in mind that the hair-sniffing Biden claims to champion women, but is now proudly backing someone who vouched for a self-confessed wife-beating killer.)

It’s worth noting, of course, that Warnock is not accused of beating his wife, that no charges were filed in relation to the March incident and that first responders could not find visible signs of injury on her foot.

Still, Ndoye’s claims regarding alleged abuse and the true nature of Warnock’s character ought to be taken seriously.

As the establishment media has proven time and time again, though, they’ll try to push it all under the rug because they care more about narratives than alleged victims.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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