
BLM Co-Founder Says Biden Is Part of 'Violent White Supremacist' System


Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden might show public adoration for the Black Lives Matter movement, but the feeling is not reciprocated, at least not by some who align themselves with the group.

The neo-Marxist organization’s battle cries and riots have had the tacit support of Biden, Democrats and the establishment media since late May.

But there is no love lost between Black Lives Matter activist Dr. Melina Abdullah and Biden.

According to Abdullah, who helped co-found the original Black Lives Matter organization and currently serves as a leader of the group’s Los Angeles chapter, Biden is merely a part of the same “violent white supremacist” system which the left claims President Donald Trump represents.

ABC News recently interviewed Abdullah for a story about the Black Lives Matter movement and how the group might influence the November election.

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And Abdullah made it clear not everyone aligned with the group views Biden favorably.

“People are feeling dismayed that the choices are between, you know, a violent white supremacist and another person who represents that same system,” she said for a report published last week.

Ouch. Someone should make Biden a T-shirt.


An “I tacitly supported political violence and all I got was this lousy ‘white supremacist’ label” shirt would be a great summer 2020 souvenir for the 77-year-old.

Of course, Black Lives Matter was bound to turn on Biden.

Indeed, ABC News was certainly able to find leftist activists willing to take down Biden, whose failure to place a strong emphasis on condemning violence on the streets until he realized it was hurting him in the polls could be interpreted as an act of implicit support for the unrest.

“I think sometimes, Joe Biden and Trump, and our party, on both sides, are blinded by the struggles that the lower end of Americans are feeling today,” said South Carolina-based activist Lawrence Nathaniel of the group “I Can’t Breathe.”

The comments from both Abdullah and Nathaniel are evidence that Biden and Democrats have lost control of the beast they helped to create.

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That beast has moved on from them.

Biden and Democrats stood idly by for months, offering little more than tepid, boilerplate statements suggesting that violence is bad as people affiliated with the Black Lives Matter movement rioted, looted and burned.

The riots have quieted down a bit, possibly since polling convinced Democrats and the establishment media that the anarchy was hurting them with the public.

But now the monster which has terrorized a country for months isn’t sold on the man who pandered to them and tacitly helped to foment the chaos.

While Trump has been loyal to his campaign promises, his base and the country, Biden’s campaign has worked to court these extremists, and the campaign ended up in the same spot as Trump’s with at least some of them.

After all that pandering, Biden is now being linked by the left to white supremacy.

If the sentiment shared by Abdullah is indicative of a wider shared opinion about Biden among the activists, then his campaign is stuck in a sort of political no man’s land with no message and no identity.

Democrats effectively stand in opposition to law and order, but even the lawless want nothing to do with them.

We don’t yet know how the upcoming election will play out.

For now, though, we can sit back and watch the left eat their own.

At this point, the only thing arguably keeping the Biden campaign afloat is the assistance of the establishment media, which is driven by a personal hatred for Trump and his supporters.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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