
BLM Claims Police 'Senselessly' Killed Ma'Khia Bryant, Fails to Mention She Was Attempting to Stab a Girl


Just as we all expected, Black Lives Matter has once again blatantly ignored the facts of a case in order to paint the police as inherently racist and corrupt.

Released Friday, a short statement from BLM managed to vilify one Columbus police officer for saving the life of a young woman while it simultaneously painted Ma’Khia Bryant as a martyr for the organization’s cause.

“At the exact same time the verdict of Derek Chauvin was being read for murdering George Floyd, police wasted no time in senselessly taking another Black child,” the statement said.

Running out of the gate with false information, the statement also claimed “Ma’Khia Bryant called the police for help.”

However, an investigation is currently ongoing and both 911 callers have yet to be identified.

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Listen to both calls here:

According to Columbus Interim Chief of Police Michael Woods, investigators will be “interviewing all the witnesses to determine who made those phone calls. The Division of Police did not interview any witness or anyone that day, and we will not interview them.”

In the statement, BLM continued its misinformation crusade, writing, “Columbus police officer Nicholas Reardon showed up and shot this 16-year-old child point blank within a matter of seconds.”


Body camera footage released by the Columbus Police Department reveals context is completely missing for this claim.

Reardon’s body camera footage showed that, after he arrived on the scene, he witnessed Bryant allegedly tackle one young woman and nearly stab another. After shouting multiple warnings to those in the driveway, including Bryant, to get down, Reardon saw the situation continue to escalate and fired his weapon.

WARNING: The following video contains graphic language and imagery that some viewers will find offensive.

BLM claimed Bryant’s death was “Another Black life stolen with no regard,” but the facts of the situation point to the exact opposite. Video seems to indicate Reardon fired his weapon to protect those in harm’s way, yet he is already being painted as a racist for doing so.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

The BLM statement ended with a proclamation celebrating Ma’Khia as an innocent young girl, saying, “Together, we’re going to uplift, center, and honor this Black child for what she loved — doing her hair, making TikToks, and being a teenager. Her account is currently deactivated, but we’ve compiled a few of her TikToks on social media so we can all remember her joy.”

Nowhere in the statement did the organization mention Ma’Khia was waving a knife around and seemed to intend to cause harm to others.

Unfortunately, BLM refuses to uplift, center and honor the lives of the black women Ma’Khia appeared to attack and instead views the shooting through a racially charged and wildly misinformed lens.

The day before the release of the statement, BLM tweeted a very similar paragraph, claiming to honor Bryant’s life.

They “refuse to define or remember” her by her final moments?

It’s guaranteed that if any conservative attempted to use the same ridiculous excuse for anyone the mainstream media doesn’t support, they would be digitally lynched.

Imagine an organization like Turning Point USA tweeting that they “refuse to define or remember” former President Donald Trump for his actions during the Jan. 6 capitol incursion.

Social media would go up in flames, and yet because this situation fits the narrative, BLM will go unpunished for it.

Of course, we know the truth. Ma’Khia Bryant allegedly attempted to assault another person, potentially fatally, and the officer who took her life is likely the reason others were unharmed. We also know there are many facts that are still unclear. Unfortunately, those who play into the narrative of the mainstream media and BLM do not.

This is why calling misinformation like this out is important — the truth is so easily manipulated in order to turn Americans into pawns of larger schemes, and we have the ability to stop it.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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