
Black-Clad Punks Chase Reporter Away from George Floyd Square 'Autonomous Zone'


A familiar scene is unfolding in Minneapolis as leftist militants have taken over public property, labeled the area an “autonomous zone” and are using threats and intimidation to keep police and others away.

Apparently taking cues from those who occupied a portion of Seattle last year, and those who attempted to do the same in Portland, Oregon, these people are patrolling the public space where George Floyd died last Memorial Day as the jury selection is now underway for his upcoming murder trial.

Unsurprisingly, the leftists aren’t all over the local news in the city. A look at the Minneapolis Star Tribune home page makes no mention of the occupied zone, and that’s despite the fact that there was reportedly a murder within its barricades just last weekend.

Not a lot of reporters seem interested in covering the story, which feels very newsworthy.

One reporter who works for NewsNation Now, however, was interested in gathering some information about the lawless area — and he had a run-in with the vile insurrectionists which was shared online.

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NewsNation reporter Brian Entin on Thursday posted a video of his reporting from outside of the area surrounding the George Floyd memorial before he was threatened with violence by black-clad militants.

Entin seemed intent on giving a fair and balanced report from outside of the area.

“This is where George Floyd was killed back in May. Take a look — these barricades have been set up by protesters and supporters of the movement,” Entin said as he was approached from behind.

He was then not-so-politely asked to leave.

“You’re going to be in a bad situation in a second,” a masked man said to Entin. “You’ve been called out for what you are.”

“We’re just media,” Entin explained.

“I don’t give a f*** who you are,” the vile leftist said. “You need to get in your car and go.”

WARNING: The following videos contain vulgar language that some viewers will find offensive.

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Don’t you just love the mask component of this coronavirus pandemic response?

Perfectly healthy men with apparently violent motives are free to move around while concealing their identities. Not so long ago, covering your face in public was actually illegal in many parts of this country. Situations such as this one are why.

Entin left the scene of the so-called George Floyd Square “autonomous zone” after being threatened by anonymous goons and then spoke to someone in the city who is dealing with the violent takeover.

A woman named Kim Griffin told Entin her nephew Inez Wright was murdered in the no-cop zone last weekend when police were told they couldn’t enter and apparently complied.

“The situation at the memorial, from what I understand, is kind of volatile,” Griffin said. “People that want to go and support doesn’t feel a sense of inclusion. There is more of a like militant-type atmosphere over there and a sense of fear.”


“Police were not allowed to get into that area. He was carried out outside of the zone of George Floyd Square,” she added. “It was made clear law enforcement was not welcome to penetrate that zone, which is an atrocity because his life was taken, and I mean who knows whether or not he would have survived had things been different.”

A person is dead, more violence will likely follow and the rule of law is being made the butt of a joke in Minneapolis, where apparently people aren’t at all interested in embracing the tough lessons learned by Democratic leaders in CHAZ/CHOP last year. That area became a killing ground and Seattle allowed it to remain operating like areas of Mogadishu for an entire month.

Isn’t it interesting how the country’s media and other institutions respond when dealing with an actual insurrection on public property by leftists? This story is essentially being buried while police are neutered and a man is dead.

Can you imagine how these people will react if the Floyd trial doesn’t result in an outcome they find favorable?

There isn’t a word of condemnation from the leftist media or from the anti-cop Minneapolis City Council. President Joe Biden is also eerily quiet as a portion of one of the country’s biggest cities has been stormed and now occupied by political activists.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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