
Biden's Tax Return Was Just Released - The Catholic Church Won't Be Thrilled


President Joe Biden is often presented in the establishment media as a devout Catholic and claims that his Catholic faith influences his values and beliefs.

Given the fact that he is the president of the United States with a rather large salary, one would assume that the Catholic Church would be near the top of his priority list when making charitable donations.

However, the 2022 tax return for Joe and Jill Biden suggests a rather different story, and it is safe to assume that the Catholic Church will not be happy.

The 2022 tax return for Joe and Jill Biden shows that the president made a gross income of $579,514 last year, and only gave $2,805 in charitable donations to the church, a mere 0.48 percent of his income.

According to page 25 of the document, Biden gave to nine different parishes, with St. Joseph on the Brandywine in Wilmington, Delaware, receiving the largest donation of $1,680. The church is the one the Bidens attend regularly when at their Wilmington home.

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The other parishes only received gifts of $500 or less, with four parishes receiving only $25.

Meanwhile, the Beau Biden Foundation, named in honor of the president’s late son, received a $5,000 charitable donation.

According to the website Simply Catholic, the Catholic Church obliges the faithful to donate money to support its work. The traditional biblical model of tithing was for a person to give 10 percent of their earnings.

The Catholic Church has no defined amount on exactly how much should be given to the church, but many parishes recommend giving 5 percent of one’s income.


Biden falls woefully short of that obligation, giving less than half a percent of what he earns to the church.

This is nothing new. The 2021 tax returns for the Biden family showed that the president had given $2,800 (0.46 percent) of his income to three different parishes while giving $5,000 to the Beau Biden Foundation.

This would not be an issue, except for the fact that Biden’s identity as a member of the Roman Catholic Church is such a major part of his public persona.

People are constantly encouraged to “put their money where their mouth is,” meaning that one’s actions often indicate a person’s priorities are better than a person’s words.

A large part of Biden’s public image is that he is a “devout” Catholic, but we can see just how important the church really is to him by looking at how much money he has given to it, and it shows that the church is not one of Biden’s top concerns.

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Frankly, this revelation is more in keeping with Biden’s ardent support for abortion, despite the Catholic Church’s firm stance against it. These two things together can give an idea of how little Biden actually cares for his faith.

This matters because we are approaching an election year, and voters will decide if Biden gets to keep his position as the leader of the free world.

Any piece of information that indicates what Biden’s true values are will be valuable to the American people, and right now, it seems as if Biden’s values do not match what he claims they are.

In sum, Biden and his supporters in the establishment media can make all the claims they want about his Catholic beliefs, but it is his actions more than his words that show who he truly is.

And his actions tell a rather different story.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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