
Biden's Plan for 'Aggressive Indoctrination' of Our Kids Likely to Crash Against a Big Wall of Red States


President Joe Biden’s proposed nearly $2 trillion plan to, in part, link entitlements to education is expected to meet stiff resistance from red-state conservatives and potentially even some blue states, according to a report.

Last month, Biden announced the American Families Plan, which has a price tag estimated at roughly $1.8 trillion. To clarify, this plan is separate from the so-called “infrastructure” plan which the Democrat also wants to pass. That plan, the American Jobs Plan, also has a price tag near $2 trillion.

In the Families Plan, Biden wants Congress to force states to offer free community college to all, including illegal immigrants, as well as institute a universal education program for three and four-year-olds.

The plan also calls for direct payments to “students” and working “families.” It’s essentially a giant socialist spending bill with forever payments that would ensure Democrats get and keep people on the government dole.

“The American Jobs Plan and the American Families Plan are once-in-a-generation investments in our nation’s future,” Biden said when introducing the Families Plan. “The American Families Plan is an investment in our children and our families—helping families cover the basic expenses that so many struggle with now, lowering health insurance premiums, and continuing the American Rescue Plan’s historic reductions in child poverty.”

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The plan, according to a lengthy report from Politico, is most certainly doomed for failure, should it ever make it through Congress. The outlet spoke with lawmakers from across multiple states who made it clear they are preparing to oppose anything and everything in the bill, and legal precedent is in their favor.

“Two central pillars of Biden’s sweeping American Families Plan — universal pre-kindergarten and free community college tuition — are structured as partnerships between the federal government and states, meaning they will require both political and financial buy-in from local officials to get up and running,” Politico reported.

“Without states’ cooperation, there’s little the Biden administration could do to guarantee the benefits it’s promising to families in all parts of the country, even if the president manages to muscle them through Congress as part of his $1.8 trillion Families Plan,” the report added.

Republicans with state majorities would most certainly present a more than formidable roadblock for the behemoth package. One of the key issues, which Politico pointed out, is Biden would need each state to participate for his plan to be successful — which is unlikely. Also, as is clearly not the case with regard to the federal government, states actually have to watch their spending.


The proposal would cost states big money, which lawmakers who prioritize balanced budgets wouldn’t be inclined to accept.

But even beyond the price tag, Republicans from Wisconsin, Florida and Alabama told the outlet their respective states aren’t interested in partnering up with Biden as he drives the country over the fiscal cliff and attempts to put bureaucrats in Washington in command of classrooms everywhere.

“We’re not big fans of the federal government stepping in. And they do not have any constitutional authority to step in in the education realm,” Wisconsin state Senate president Chris Kapenga, a Republican, said. “I do not see Wisconsin getting on board in any way with either the pre-K or the technical college.”

GOP Gov. Kay Ivey of Alabama also ripped Biden’s outlandish proposal in a statement.

“Yet again, we are seeing an appetite for spending trillions of dollars our federal piggy bank can’t cover,” said Ivey, “we have invested in a program that works, while still being good stewards of our taxpayer dollars. That’s just one example of success of how to do things the right way.”

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Meanwhile, Republican Rep. Byron Donalds of Florida also shot down any notion that state Republicans would embrace the American Families Plan in a comment to Politico.

“I guarantee you there’s going to be some requirements in there that may not be palatable to our state and the way we govern our state,” Donalds said “The devil is always in the details, but knowing how the federal government tends to operate with money that it likes to dangle, that’s not something I think the state of Florida will be interested in.”

Biden, in his first four months, has proposed nearly $6 trillion in spending, with the first $1.9 trillion passing in march through the American Rescue Plan, according to The New York Times.

Spending money the country doesn’t have, for things it doesn’t need, is up to the slim majority Democrats hold in both the House and Senate, and states have no say in which bills are passed. But lawmakers at the state level can neuter this excessive bill, and the opposition is already mounting.

Jon Schweppe with the American Principles Project, signaled to Politico that a broad coalition will oppose Biden at every turn on the Families Plan and its potential effects on children.

“We’re worried about expanding the government monopoly over education and having pretty aggressive indoctrination of kids in pre-K,” he said. “Those are the concerns that are going to be reflected by the states.”

States where majorities are opposed to federalizing the education system, burdening already tight budgets and indoctrinating kids with critical race theory and Biden-supported transgender issues, can control their participation in the absurd education bill.

As Politico noted in its reporting, “states have broad authority to opt out of federal programs, a precedent that was made clear after a Supreme Court ruling in 2012 allowed them to choose not to expand their Medicaid programs, an important provision of the Affordable Care Act.”

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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