
Bidens Cancel WH Christmas Stockings for All Grandkids After Two Years of Controversy


At the Joe Biden White, Christmas stockings for the grandkids are an all-or-nothing deal.

And now that the president and first lady have been forced to acknowledge a now-5-year-old girl in Arkansas as the daughter of first son Hunter Biden, they’ve clearly decided the answer this year is “nothing.”

And they’ve got a cover story to back it up not even Democrats will believe.

As the U.K. Daily Mail reported Monday, when the White House unveils its Christmas decorations to the public, one very noticeable feature is going to be missing:

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In the past two years, six stockings have hung on a fireplace mantle representing the six grandchildren the couple would publicly acknowledge. The seventh grandchild, the daughter of Hunter Biden and a former lover, went ignored.

The same thing happened in 2021. Six stockings for six grandchildren. A seventh grandchild didn’t exist.

Something is different this year, though. In July, after years of pretending there was no such person as Navy Joan Roberts, or if there was, it was no concern of theirs, Joe and Jill were forced to acknowledge that, by golly, that scamp Hunter really had gone and sown his wild oats in a different pasture.


(At the time, more than three years had passed since a DNA test had proven Hunter’s paternity. It apparently took a series of unmanly, embarrassingly public arguments from Hunter during his battle over child support for the girl to finally break the dam.)

The Bidens mostly got a pass on that as they always do from the establishment media, but Christmas was still coming — and anyone in the country who follows the news knew the Christmas stocking saga was returning, too.

So, what’s a Biden to do?

Head out of town, naturally.

“The family will be spending Christmas at Camp David and their family stockings will be there,” a rep told the Daily Mail.

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Of course, that’s the answer. After spending Dec. 25 at the White House for 2021 and 2022, the Bidens just happen to be leaving this year — the first Christmas after they basically admitted to the world that they’ve been deliberately lying about having “six” grandchildren.

Not even Democrats are gullible enough to believe that Hunter’s child-support trial had nothing to do with that decision — not even the Biden sycophants in the establishment media and “The View.”

What isn’t publicly known now — and might never be — is whether the Bidens will have a Christmas stocking for Navy Joan at their Camp David gathering.

That’s also irrelevant.

What the Bidens have done for years has been cruel — publicly denying a young girl’s kinship simply because it would be politically inconvenient.

What they’re doing now is cruel in its own way.

It’s a rock-solid bet they’re decamping from the White House to save face — to provide exactly this excuse not to hang a stocking publicly for their seventh grandchild.

But even if they’re not, the perception is there, and unavoidable. If they truly gave a damn about the girl, or their own reputation as even remotely decent human beings, they’d hang the seven stockings out just to show the world that they’d seen the error of their ways and were willing to acknowledge the girl as their own blood.

That would show maturity, respect and a fair amount of class.

You’d have better luck finding grandkids’ Christmas stockings at the White House this year.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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