
Biden Vows To Mandate Masks Wherever He Can for First 100 Days of Presidency


If Joe Biden gets installed in the White House in January, he plans to impose a mask mandate during his first 100 days and will push a “mass vaccination plan” despite concerns over its long-term safety.

Specifically, Biden said mandatory masking, mass vaccinations and school reopenings would be the “three key goals for my first 100 days.”

The Democrat crawled out of his basement Tuesday and outlined his coronavirus strategy while speaking at the Queen Theater in his hometown of Wilmington, Delaware.

Central to Biden’s COVID-19 plan is a national mask mandate, which he wants to impose for 100 days. There is no scientific basis for selecting 100 days. Why not 99 days or 101 days?

He said he would sign “an order on day one to require masks where I can under the law, like federal buildings, interstate travel on planes, trains and buses. I’ll also be working with the governors and mayors to do the same in their states and their cities. We’re going to require masks wherever possible.”

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The former vice president laughably insisted that it was “patriotic” to wear a face diaper for three months because doing so would “help yourself, your family, your community.”

He continued: “Whatever your politics or point of view — mask up for 100 days once we take office. One hundred days to make a difference. It’s not a political statement — it’s a patriotic act.”


Biden, who made the racist assertion that “you ain’t black” if you didn’t vote for him, is now saying that “you ain’t patriotic” if you don’t wear a face burqa.

Perhaps he should send the memo to California Democrats Gavin Newsom, Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein — all of whom have been caught maskless while scolding everyone else to wear one.

Mask mandates have been imposed in 38 states so far, according to Fox News. The exceptions are Alaska, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota and Tennessee, all of which have Republican leadership.

Ironically, some Democrat-controlled states that have strict mask mandates — California chief among them — have recently experienced spikes in infections, raising questions about the effectiveness of such policies.

Biden also touted a mass vaccination strategy that would help get “at least 100 million COVID-19 vaccine shots into the arms of Americans in the first 100 days.”

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The Democrat bragged that his plan would be “the most efficient mass vaccination plan in U.S. history.”

Biden also said reopening schools would be a crucial part of his coronavirus strategy. “It should be a national priority to get our kids back into school and keep them in school,” he said.

The call to reopen schools echoed the longstanding position of President Donald Trump, who said schools never should have shut down in the first place because children are at minuscule risk of contracting or spreading the coronavirus.

Biden said he developed his three-pronged strategy after consulting with Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases — a lifelong government bureaucrat.

Fauci, a member of Trump’s coronavirus task force, has been widely slammed for flip-flopping on masks, school shutdowns and other crucial issues.

Despite this, Biden has said he will name Fauci his chief medical adviser.

So there you have it: A Biden presidency would mean more constraints on your individual liberties and higher taxes.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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