
Biden Tells Donors He May Have Retired After Single Term if Trump Weren't Running in 2024


Even President Joe Biden occasionally — and accidentally — reveals the truth.

At a campaign fundraiser in Massachusetts on Tuesday, the 81-year-old Biden admitted that former President Donald Trump’s presence in the 2024 presidential race dictated his own decision to seek re-election.

“If Trump wasn’t running, I’m not sure I’d be running,” Biden told donors, according to Bloomberg. “But we cannot let him win for the sake of our country.”

To anyone who has followed public affairs these last three years, Biden’s diabolical obsession with Trump comes as no surprise.

The hint of retirement under different circumstances, however, did raise eyebrows.

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The New York Post, for instance, called the president’s comment “a stunning self-assessment of the implications of Biden’s age.”

On Tuesday evening, Biden backtracked somewhat from his earlier admission.

In an 18-second clip posted to the social media platform X, the confused-looking president addressed a reporter’s question while shielding his eyes from the glare of lights.

“Would you be running for president if Trump wasn’t running?” the reporter asked.


“I expect so. But look, he is running, and I just, I have to run,” Biden replied.

When asked if he would drop out of the race should Trump do likewise, the president said, “No. Not now.”

To put it mildly, Biden does not appear at his mental or physical best. The octogenarian president often says incoherent things and stumbles for no obvious reason.

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And people have noticed. On the campaign trail, Trump has drawn laughs for hilarious imitations of Biden trying to find his way off stage.

In short, the president’s age constitutes a problem because he appears unfit. Meanwhile, his administration has proven catastrophic. And voters have connected the two.

Last month, for instance, Biden celebrated his 81st birthday by posing for a picture with his birthday cake. On social media, users noticed that the cake’s many candles created the effect of a towering inferno, which some likened to a dumpster fire — a metaphor for the Biden presidency.

We should not forget, however, the central element in Biden’s surprising admission: his obsession with Trump. This is especially noteworthy because his donors share that obsession.

In the modern Democratic Party, those Trump-hating donors include Wall Street tycoons. And they care nothing for Biden. They want only to defeat the former president.

“Biden’s done a lot of good things. But I think his legacy will not be a good one if he is the nominee,” billionaire investor Bill Ackman told Bloomberg.

At last week’s New York Times DealBook Summit, JPMorgan Chase & Co. Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon expressed a more overt sense of urgency by encouraging Summit-goers to support Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley.

“Even if you’re a very liberal Democrat, I urge you, help Nikki Haley, too,” Dimon said, according to Bloomberg.

In short, powerful people want Trump stopped at any cost.

Recent polls, however, have revealed bad news for those Trump-obsessed moguls. For instance, the former president leads Biden in battleground states and has made substantial gains among voters who traditionally support Democrats.

Thus, given the donors’ mood, we should not be surprised if the president’s candid admission turns prophetic.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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