
After Biden Takes 6-Day Vacation, Psaki Says He Can't Fit in a Visit to Grieving Families in Waukesha


After a six-day vacation and with plans in the works to travel to Minnesota to promote his political agenda, President Joe Biden will not visit Waukesha, Wisconsin, where six people were killed and more than 40 injured Nov. 21.

Darrell Brooks Jr., 39, a black man with a long criminal history, has been arrested after driving an SUV into the community’s Christmas parade. Brooks, who was facing two separate charges for which he was out on bail at the time, is now facing six homicide charges.

“I’d liken it to a war zone,” said Steve Howard, chief of the Waukesha Fire Department, said in recalling the carnage, according to The New York Times. “Some of our first responders were there with their families — they left their families to treat people.”

Although Biden issued a comment in response to the tragedy, he celebrated a Thanksgiving event with U.S. troops in North Carolina and then took a vacation in Nantucket, Massachusetts. The Biden family stayed at an estate owned by Wall Street billionaire David Rubenstein, according to The Boston Globe.

During Monday’s White House briefing, press secretary Jen Psaki noted that Biden will travel to Minnesota Tuesday to promote his legislative agenda.

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In the course of the briefing. Fox News reporter Peter Doocy asked about a presidential trip to Waukesha.

“Since the president said that this administration is monitoring the situation in Waukesha closely, it has been revealed by prosecutors that the assailant — the assailant swerved his truck side to side as part of an intentional act to run over as many people as possible.  Six people are dead.  Some children remain hospitalized.  Why hasn’t the president visited the members of this Christmas parade attack?” Doocy asked.


“Well, I would say first: As you saw the president convey last week, our hearts go out to this community, to the people in Waukesha; that we’ve been in touch, obviously, with officials there; and we’re all watching as people are recovering.  And this is such a difficult time of year for this to happen,” Psaki said.

“Obviously, any President going to visit a community requires a lot of assets, requires taking their resources, and it’s not something that I have a trip previewed at this plan- — point in time, but we remain in touch with local officials,” she said.

Many on Twitter had a different opinion.

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The lack of a presidential visit comes amid media soft-pedaling of the tragedy, according to Fox News.

“Left-leaning media outlets today want to frame every story through their predetermined narrative lenses. That’s what is happening here with the reporting of the Waukesha Christmas parade story,” DePauw University professor and media critic Jeffrey McCall said.

Brooks, who has been an offender since 1999, was most recently accused of using a vehicle to attack a woman, and has a sordid history of drug crimes and violent crimes.

“CNN and other liberal media outlets are portraying this as a car problem and shying away from focusing on the perpetrator because it would not fit their narrative that ‘White supremacists’ are the greatest threat of domestic terrorism,” Cornell Law School professor and media critic William A. Jacobson said.

“Just look how they treated Kyle Rittenhouse, who committed no crime but was immediately falsely portrayed as a White supremacist militia member,” Jacobson said. “Narrative, not facts or evidence, seems to be guiding CNN and others.”

Dan Gainor of the conservative Media Research Center said the media went out of its way to shield Brooks.

“If you really paid attention to the legacy media, you’d think a self-driving car had committed an act of terrorism,” Gainor said.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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