
Biden Policy Czar Exposed for Unsettling Past with Chinese Communists


President Joe Biden has provided no shortage of controversy when it comes to picking members of his administration. The latest update on that front comes in the form of new information about his incoming Asia policy czar.

According to Alana Goodman of The Washington Free Beacon, Biden’s nominee Kurt Campbell was “a top leader at a nonprofit group that was bankrolled by the head of a Chinese propaganda front group and partnered with a Chinese foreign mission.”

The group in question is the U.S.-China Strong Foundation, where Campbell was said to be vice chairman of the board until August 2020.

Goodman described the group as “ostensibly a nonprofit group that promotes student language exchanges with Beijing but whose leaders included prominent members of the Chinese government’s overseas propaganda fronts, according to State Department and Department of Justice records.”

She went on to provide specific examples of instances where the U.S.-China Strong Foundation operated in direct opposition to the interests of America.

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“The foundation has promoted the Chinese army and China’s Belt and Road Initiative — deemed a national security threat by U.S. officials,” she said.

“It has also partnered with the Confucius Institute U.S. Center, an educational nonprofit organization that the State Department designated as a foreign mission last summer, citing its promotion of Beijing’s propaganda efforts to academics across the world.”

Campbell’s connection to such a group has rightfully concerned many Americans. Goodman said that “his leadership role with the foundation is raising concerns with China hawks in Washington.”

Yet, even her phrasing here seems off. It’s not just “China hawks,” but rather any American citizen, who should be suspicious of someone with ties to the reprehensible Chinese Communist Party.


“The indicators suggest that the U.S.-China Strong Foundation could be a [Chinese Communist Party] front group, or so heavily influenced by the CCP as to be tantamount to a front group,” intelligence analyst Anders Corr told The Free Beacon.

In addition, the group is bankrolled by Florence Fang, who has direct ties to the CCP itself.

“Fang is listed as the honorary president of the San Francisco chapter of the National Association for China’s Peaceful Unification, which promotes unified Chinese control over Taiwan,” Goodman said.

“According to the State Department, the association is controlled by the United Front Work Department, the Chinese government’s primary overseas propaganda agency.”

Let’s be clear: The organization that Campbell was a vice chairman of is funded by a man who heads an anti-Taiwan group, which is also controlled by a propaganda group for the CCP.

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That seems pretty damming.

However, in August 2020, the organization seems to have conveniently dropped off the map.

“The U.S.-China Strong Foundation’s website appears to have vanished from the internet in August 2020, and its phone number and email address are no longer in service,” Goodman said.

“An archived version of the website, however, listed Campbell as vice chairman and a member of the corporate advisory board as recently as Aug. 15, 2020.”

It seems at least a little suspicious that this foundation would just “vanish” right around the same time that the presidential race in America was heating up.

As an official for former President Barack Obama’s State Department, Campbell could very well have known that Biden was considering him for an admin position.

Despite these troubling ties, the establishment media praised Biden for naming Campbell his Asia policy czar just a couple of weeks ago.

“The move should reassure nervous Asian allies that the Biden administration is taking the China challenge seriously,” Josh Rogin said in an opinion article for The Washington Post.

If by “taking the China challenge seriously,” Rogin means appeasing the CCP in efforts counter to the U.S. interest, then yes — Campbell indeed seems like a great choice.

Of course, it’s possible that Biden had no idea about these ties. However, even that would display that he did not properly vet Campbell before offering him a position in the Biden administration.

No matter how you slice it, Biden’s appointment of Campbell confirms a truth we have seen since the early days of his campaign — he does not understand foreign policy.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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