
Biden Picks Jake Sullivan for Michael Flynn's Old Job After He Falsely Accused Flynn of Russian Collusion


Joe Biden has been busily pulling from the dregs of the Washington, D.C., muck to staff his presumptive administration.

Among the latest swamp creatures to re-emerge is Jake Sullivan, who Biden tapped to be his national security advisor, according to the Biden-Harris transition website.

Sullivan is best remembered as former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s aide.

He also assisted in brokering the abysmal Iran nuclear deal, which even CNN admitted involved sending a plane stuffed with $400 million in cash to the terror-supporting nation.

However, his real distinction comes in what he did to former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn in 2017, when Sullivan accused Flynn of violating the Logan Act during the transition period after Donald Trump was elected president and conspiring with Russia to block penalties imposed for their meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

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According to transcripts from Sullivan’s December 2017 interview with the House Intelligence Committee, former ranking member California Rep. Adam Schiff — now the committee’s chairman — asked “about the factual basis for Mike Flynn’s plea, in that he admitted making false statements about a conversation he had with the Russian ambassador on the subject of sanctions.

“Would you view that as a form of conspiracy with the Russians to undermine the effective penalties imposed over their interference in our election?” Schiff asked.

“Absolutely,” Sullivan told him. “I mean, this was the American government’s response to the Russian information warfare campaign. And what Flynn was saying to [then-Ambassador Sergey] Kislyak was: We’ll help you undo this, or we won’t put it into place.”


Sullivan went on to make the charge that Flynn promised to “avoid some action the current government is taking” — an action that he said would violate the Logan Act, which prohibits unauthorized citizens from unlawfully negotiating with America’s adversaries (it’s rarely enforced).

“And I think what Flynn did here — I mean, I’m not an attorney, but just on the face of what the purpose of this act is, what he did ran directly contrary to it,” Sullivan charged.

Transcripts from the actual conversation between Kislyak and Flynn revealed no such deal was ever struck, but that didn’t stop Flynn from being railroaded anyway.

Despite his role in the debacle, Sullivan seemed unapologetic and self-congratulatory when he took to Twitter to brag about his potential new gig.

“President-elect Biden taught me what it takes to safeguard our national security at the highest levels of our government,” Sullivan boasted, apparently forgetting about that time he emailed sensitive information over Clinton’s private email server.

“Now, he has asked me to serve as his National Security Advisor. In service, I will do everything in my power to keep our country safe,” Sullivan tweeted Tuesday.

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Biden’s potential administration is shaping up to be a who’s who from the D.C. swamp.

Appointments like Sullivan, foreign policy disaster Antony Blinken as secretary of state and former Secretary of State John Kerry for climate czar — just to name a few — are apparently part of Biden’s plan to use all the leftovers still trudging around the swamp.

Regardless of President Donald Trump’s failings or faults as a leader, he made good on his promise to drain that swamp.

It was refreshing to have an “outsider” running government, which is what made Trump so successful in regard to his foreign policy wins that the experts said were impossible and the robust economy that brought back jobs they said would never return.

A Biden presidency would mean a return to a weaker America, stagnant economy and an unmitigated authoritarian nightmare in continued COVID-19 lockdowns.

To put it mildly, it looks as though Biden is intent on recreating the stale, stinking, swampy mess that government was before Trump took office.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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