
Biden Order Allows US to Use Chinese-Controlled Tech in Power Grid


Just one week into his presidency, Joe Biden seems insistent on making the country more vulnerable to Chinese aggression.

On May 1, then-President Donald Trump issued Executive Order 13920, which recognized “that foreign adversaries are increasingly creating and exploiting vulnerabilities in the United States bulk-power system.”

The order followed by explaining the bulk-power system “provides the electricity that supports our national defense, vital emergency services, critical infrastructure, economy, and way of life.”

The Washington Examiner reported that, in essence, “Trump forbade the use of grid equipment that is made in China, Russia, or other hostile nations” — a common-sense protection that enhances national security from both a military and civilian perspective.

However, the Examiner further reported that in an executive order issued by Biden on Sunday, “buried amid matters purportedly designed to combat climate change” was an extremely dangerous provision that “suspends [Trump’s order] for … 90 days while asking the secretary of energy to use the time to consider if a replacement order should be issued.”

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Even if the secretary of energy elects to reinstate the order 90 days from now, Biden’s mandated review period could still prove extremely destructive.

RealClearEnergy reported in September that “Chinese power equipment provided to the U.S. can be embedded with software and hardware to remotely commit mischief from Beijing.”

The Chinese government is not our friend and shouldn’t be treated as if it is. By revoking Trump’s executive order, Biden would be once again opening up the window for infiltration. The Chinese Communist Party is patient and will take advantage of any chance to weaken us.

Therefore, any bulk-power related imports from China in the next 90 days would substantially increase the risk of a cyber or electrical attack on the United States, for which China has legitimate first-strike capacity.


While the immediate possibility of such an attack is low, why should we create any unnecessary danger for ourselves?

This isn’t a fight about steel or soybeans. They are important and affect lives and livelihoods, but the situation simply isn’t the same.

Cyber and electrical attacks pose an existential threat to the American way of life, but they are being relegated to an afterthought in an executive order focused on climate initiatives.

For the good of the nation, Biden needs to be tough on China, but all of his actions so far indicate that he will take a soft approach — much to the chagrin of our allies in Asia.

The Washington Post tweeted that “Biden’s Commerce secretary pick pledges a tough line on China but doesn’t detail how it will deal with Huawei.”

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Conservatives have warned that Biden would be dangerously weak toward China, and it appears their fears have been realized. Already, good policy has fallen victim to the pen and phone.

Hopefully, Biden will wisen up and get tough on China. Our future may depend on it.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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