
Biden Issues 'National Day of Prayer' Proclamation - Look How Different It Is from Trump's


President Joe Biden claims to be a Catholic, yet he can’t even speak the language of religion with as much conviction as his predecessor.

Although former President Donald Trump didn’t claim to be a believer, he had a deep understanding and respect for the way Christians viewed important cultural and moral issues — and he was never afraid to say it.

Not so for our current president.

While nobody but God can truly know a man’s heart, it’s apparent from Biden’s proclamation for the National Day of Prayer on Thursday that he embraces the earthly leftist virtues like diversity and inclusivity above all.

God is mentioned but twice (which is an improvement from the zero mentions in his 2021 version), and the watered-down “Gospel of Nice” tenets are as deep as his message gets.

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“In periods of peace and prosperity and in times of struggle and strife, countless Americans turn to prayer to seek guidance, bolster our faith, and brace our spirits when we need it most,” Biden’s proclamation began with the usual platitudes.

“Prayer is both a personal and communal act — composed of our most intimate thoughts and a practice observed by multitudes across our diverse Nation in every language, culture, religion, and belief system,” Biden said, subtly dismissing the idea that prayer is at its essence a conversation with the Almighty God.

“On this National Day of Prayer, we recognize the profound power of prayer, grounded in deep humility and hope. The right to pray is enshrined in our Constitution and stamped firmly in the American tradition,” Biden went on.

“The belief that prayer can move mountains is, at its core, a belief in making the impossible possible. There is nothing more American than believing in the endless possibilities of what we can do when we do it together,” Biden added.


Rather than giving credit to God for enabling individuals to “move mountains” through prayer, Biden twisted it into a message about collective cooperation.

He went on to hit additional notes about prayer bringing “comfort” and guidance but kept the message safely and vaguely spiritual-but-not-religious for his godless constituents.

“There is hardly an aspect of American life that is not touched by the silent supplications of prayer to fulfill our hopes and our aspirations,” Biden continued.

He went on to recall his experience preaching at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, where Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was famously a member.

“In that sacred place, praying and contemplating Dr. King’s moral vision of a ‘Beloved Community,’ we were reminded that so much more unites us than divides us,” the president, who is arguably the most divisive American leader in history, claimed.

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“We are all bound together by our love of country and our belief in democracy. Today, I pray that we can see each other as we should: not as enemies but as neighbors, and not as adversaries but as fellow Americans and human beings,” Biden said, his angry rant spewed in front of Philadelphia’s Independence Hall notwithstanding.

“Only when we see ourselves in each other will justice, as scripture tells us, ‘roll down like waters,’ righteousness become ‘a mighty stream,’ and America fulfill its true promise as a land of liberty and justice for all,” Biden concluded before the more formal part of the proclamation.

A tweet on Thursday reiterated the message, but notably absent was any mention of God.

“The right to pray is enshrined in our Constitution and stamped into our tradition,” Biden shared from his official Twitter account.

“In periods of prosperity and times of strife, many turn to prayer to seek guidance and bolster faith. This National Day of Prayer, we recognize the power of prayer grounded in humility and hope.”

Biden’s proclamation stands on its own as a hollow gesture that literally misses the spirit of the day.

However, when compared to former President Donald Trump’s 2020 proclamation, it’s an embarrassingly empty facsimile of an uplifting message.

Trump’s words included a passage from the Bible, several mentions of God, and encouragement to turn to prayer — not solely as a source of comfort but as a dialogue with the Creator to ask for help.

He acknowledged how God guided great leaders like George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and President Ronald Reagan, and, while Americans were in the thick of the coronavirus pandemic, Trump used the proclamation to implore the nation to pray for those most affected.

“We pray that He comforts those who have lost loved ones, heals those who are sick, strengthens those on the front lines, and reassures all Americans that through trust in Him, we can overcome all obstacles,” Trump said.

“May we never forget that prayer guides and empowers our Nation and that all things are possible with God,” he acknowledged.

Trump is no saint in his personal life and perhaps had his share of mistakes while in office, but he governed more convincingly like a Christian than any Democrat in recent history ever has.

It’s true that Biden has attended more Masses than Trump likely ever will, and that the former president famously revealed his lack of Biblical knowledge by citing the book of “Two Corinthians.”

But as Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:16, “By their fruits, you will know them.”

Biden is fond of rattling his rosary beads for Catholic clout while unabashedly supporting evils like abortion, same-sex marriage, and the radical gender agenda.

In contrast, Trump supported Christians in their desire for a good, virtuous America rooted in Biblical values and wasn’t afraid to use the words of our religion — even if it wasn’t his native tongue.

Of the many metrics that can be used to compare the two, Trump’s willingness to embrace God on the National Day of Prayer in a way that Biden never would proves who is the better man for the job.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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