
Biden Ignores Question on Broken Promise, Chats with VIPs as Staff Shuffle Press Away


Is this the man who 81 million Americans voted for?

During a news conference on Thursday, President Joe Biden stumbled away from his podium and started walking across the stage for a moment, seemingly in an attempt to dodge a tough question.

Fox News reporter Peter Doocy attempted to ask Biden about his prior promises to deliver coronavirus stimulus checks if Democrats took the Senate majority.

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Doocy asked, “Mr. President, whatever happened to your promise from seven weeks ago that if Democrats flipped the Senate, checks were going out the door?”

Biden ignored the question entirely, briefly speaking with a woman in a lab coat before returning to the podium to retrieve his mask. Meanwhile, multiple voices attempted to rush reporters out of the room.

Doocy has a history of tough questions, characterized by his tussles with press secretary Jen Psaki.

Most recently, he questioned her on the difference between kids in cages and kids in containers, referring to the opening of the president’s first holding center for migrant children in Texas, asking, “What is the White House’s description of this facility?”


In his question to the President, Doocy was referencing Biden’s promise to Georgia voters during a Jan. 4 rally that if they voted in runoff candidates Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff, checks would “go out the door.”

“Those $2,000 checks will go out the door, restoring hope and decency and honor for so many people who are struggling right now, and if you send Sens. Perdue and Loeffler back to Washington, those checks will never get there. It’s just that simple.”

Biden was referring to the fact that the Senate had previously blocked the attempted $2,000 stimulus check multiple times, seemingly due to the then-Republican majority of 53-47. However, inconsistent with Biden’s message, both Sens. Loeffler and Perdue backed the checks.

Since Biden’s Jan. 4 promise, though, seven weeks have passed.

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Seven weeks, which Biden has used to take the jobs of hundreds of Americans, to damage American border security to a ridiculous extent and to reignite Middle East conflicts for no reason at all, but seven weeks in which he has not even attempted to focus on something he promised would improve the lives of millions of Americans.

Frankly, it’s sad.

Since Biden announced his presidential campaign, Americans nationwide have seen blunder after blunder, gaffe after gaffe, and now that he’s at the helm, we’re seeing the full range and extent of his age.

The man is out of his mental prime, and it’s upsetting that the leader of the free world requires a wall of handlers to shield him from difficult questions, tossing them to his severely unprepared press secretary rather than addressing them himself.

It’s extremely doubtful that this is the man 81,000,000 Americans asked for, but it’s who they got, and now the nation must shoulder the consequences.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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