
Biden Ignores God, Issues Shockingly Secular Statements in National Day of Prayer Proclamation


President Joe Biden this week issued a proclamation for Thursday’s National Day of Prayer which failed to mention God, but was heavy on rhetoric with relation to causes in which those in his base do believe.

In lieu of God, the self- and media-proclaimed devout Catholic called on people to pray by mentioning such topics as COVID-19, diversity, divisive racial politics and climate alarmism.

“Throughout our history, Americans of many religions and belief systems have turned to prayer for strength, hope, and guidance. Prayer has nourished countless souls and powered moral movements — including essential fights against racial injustice, child labor, and infringement on the rights of disabled Americans,” Biden’s words read.

“Prayer is also a daily practice for many, whether it is to ask for help or strength, or to give thanks over blessings bestowed. The First Amendment to our Constitution protects the rights of free speech and religious liberty, including the right of all Americans to pray. These freedoms have helped us to create and sustain a Nation of remarkable religious vitality and diversity across the generations.”

Essentially, it was exactly how you’d expect the opening of a National Day of Prayer proclamation from a Democrat to read.

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The issue was that Biden never once mentioned God. Someone dictated, on behalf of the president, 474 words regarding prayer, and God was not named one time.

Even more insulting, Biden’s proclamation effectively told us it was only put out in order to keep up with tradition.

“The Congress, by Public Law 100-307, as amended, has called on the President to issue each year a proclamation designating the first Thursday in May as a ‘National Day of Prayer,’” Biden’s prayer proclamation stated.

Now that we’ve established God was left out of Biden’s empty note regarding prayer, let’s focus on what that proclamation did include: an embrace of the far left’s causes.


“Prayer has nourished countless souls and powered moral movements — including essential fights against racial injustice, child labor, and infringement on the rights of disabled Americans,” the proclamation stated. “As we continue to confront the crises and challenges of our time — from a deadly pandemic, to the loss of lives and livelihoods in its wake, to a reckoning on racial justice, to the existential threat of climate change — Americans of faith can call upon the power of prayer to provide hope and uplift us for the work ahead.”

The closest Biden’s proclamation came to mentioning God was when it quoted the late Democratic congressman John Lewis, who once said: “Nothing can stop the power of a committed and determined people to make a difference in our society. Why? Because human beings are the most dynamic link to the divine on this planet.”

Why would Biden bother to issue such a proclamation, aside from an act of Congress in 1988, which willfully neglected God? Because the left only believes in fear.

Rising sea tides, hurricanes, floods, wildfires, famine, racial reckonings and the coronavirus are all very scary.

So many secular leftists, in the absence of a relationship with Christ, began feeling purpose in their lives for the first time last March. The coronavirus pandemic gave so many of these people something to believe in.

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With their addled minds and closed hearts, they are unable to establish a connection to Christ, so they embrace this perverse world and everything in it. The coronavirus offered them something they could use to guide them, which was complete anxiety.

Masks, race riots, scorning others and blaming the combustion engine and cows for the apparent coming climate catastrophe has these people feeling truly alive — which is tragic. Can you ponder a life so empty?

But nothing has them feeling more alive than the threat of constant death from a viral disease. They never want the fear to end.

These people are Biden’s joyless voters and they were the intended audience of his proclamation — everyone else be damned.

The American liberal’s false idol is fear, the left prays at the altar of social justice and the radical left is relishing the fact that God was left out of Biden’s climate change proclamation. That proclamation was a love note to leftism and a smack across the cheek for a nation in distress that needed faith and leadership on an annual day where we might all have stopped together to pray.

We’re all sinners in need of forgiveness, guidance and protection. Biden made it clear we’re walking in darkness, at least as a nation, without someone at the head of the table.

Proverbs 29:18: “A nation without God’s guidance is a nation without order. Happy are those who keep God’s law!”

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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