
Biden DOJ Pick Wrote Black People Have 'Greater Mental, Physical' Abilities Than Other Races


The woman President-elect Joe Biden intends to nominate as the assistant attorney general to head the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department has said that black people are inherently superior to all other races.

In 1994, Kristen Clarke, who at the time was president of the Black Students Association at Harvard, expounded upon her views on race science while attacking the book “The Bell Curve,” which suggests there is a connection between race and intelligence.

“Black infants sit, crawl and walk sooner than whites,” Clarke wrote in a letter to the university’s student newspaper, The Crimson.

She also referenced a theory that “human mental processes are controlled by melanin — that same chemical which gives blacks their superior physical and mental abilities.”

“Melanin endows blacks with greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities — something which cannot be measured based on Eurocentric standards,” Clarke wrote.

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A rebuttal from the staff of The Crimson noted that Clarke’s discussion of the hot-button topic was way off, even by Harvard standards.

“Rather than attack the questionable research and logic underlying ‘The Bell Curve,’ however, Clarke resorted to bigotry, pure and simple, to reach the opposite conclusion,” The Crimson’s editorial said.

The editorial said it was “sad that a Harvard student would think that one race is genetically superior to others. And it is almost inconceivable that this student would be an elected leader of Black students on campus.”

“Students such as Kristen Clarke, who clearly cannot serve in their elected capacities as responsible spokespersons for their communities, have no place at the helm of student organizations like the BSA,” it said, adding that she should either retract her statements and apologize or quit the board of the group.


Clarke was later denounced for her support of an anti-Semitic speaker and Holocaust denier she helped bring to Harvard, whose theories she labeled “indisputable fact.”

But the real issue is not what a college student thought more than 25 years ago, Fox News host Tucker Carlson wrote in a commentary on Monday.

“Kristen Clarke has never shed these views. They’ve simply become more sophisticated,” he said.

“Just last year, Clarke was fighting for the crudest kind of racial discrimination in college admissions, saying it was ‘madness’ for the federal government to take the side of Asian applicants who had provably been denied college admission on the basis of their skin color,” Tucker wrote.

Clarke has used her Twitter account to speak out on race.

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“Speaking of madness, in a sane country, someone like Kristen Clarke would be under investigation by the Civil Rights Division, not running it,” Carlson wrote. “We will see if Clarke’s nomination gets to the U.S. Senate. If it does, we’re in serious trouble.”

The Western Journal reached out to Clarke for comment but did not immediately receive a response.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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