
Biden Breaks Into Strange Yelling, Talks About the 'Nasity Regime' and 'Chansgender Individuals'


It was a bad week for Biden gaffes.

On Friday, the president traveled to the University of Connecticut to deliver a speech rededicating the Dodd Center for Human Rights. Named for the late Sen. Thomas J. Dodd — a prosecutor at the Nuremberg trials, which tried Nazis for their crimes during World War II — the center houses Dodd’s papers from the proceedings.

This should’ve been a slam dunk speech. Indeed, the Mansfield-Storrs Patch called it “personal” and “emotional.” Biden was there with his close personal friend, former Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd, Thomas’ son. What could possibly go wrong?

Roughly a minute into the speech, Biden made his first error.

“We truly are really good, close friends — Sen. Chris Dodd. Chris and I have known each other a long time,” he said, followed by why he thought Dodd is such a stand-up guy: He isn’t one of those “people who tell me they care about people and then disrespect the waitress or a waiter.”

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A 1990 GQ piece about the peccadillos of the late Sen. Ted Kennedy dives into a grotesque allegation of sexual assault against a waitress by both Kennedy and Dodd.

As the story goes, the two Democratic senators — both in a state of considerable inebriation — forced the woman into a “waitress sandwich” and only desisted when another worker heard her screams.


Biden apparently didn’t remember that significant blight on Dodd’s career. He also didn’t remember how to pronounce the word “transgender.”

This came during a part of the speech in which Biden bragged that, in his first 10 minutes in office, he “ended the Muslim ban” and “[overturned] the ban on transgender individuals serving openly in the United States military.”

On top of the mispronunciation of “transgender,” it’s good to note that Biden’s people are still advancing the sad, divisive fiction that there was ever a “Muslim ban” by the Trump administration.

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Later in the speech, Biden talked about the debasement of human rights around the world, including in China, Myanmar and Ethiopia. That’s fair, but things quickly got weird.

“Silence — as my dad would remind me — silence is complicity,” Biden said. He then began yelling: “That’s what Nuremberg said! Your silence is complicity!”

Biden had earlier talked about taking his kids to Dachau, the Nazi concentration camp where the slogan “Arbeit Macht Frei” — “work sets you free” — hung above the entrance.

“That’s not what I wanted them to see,” Biden said. “I wanted [them] to see the lovely homes that were up against the fence line with their beautiful roofs. People living in there rationalized that ‘It’s not me. I’m not doing this.'”

“I wanted them to see the ability of the human mind to rationalize cannot be underestimated,” Biden said, again breaking into a strange shout.

It’s not difficult to read Biden’s subtext here, particularly given his administration’s rhetoric about the GOP. What is difficult to read, apparently, is the word “Nazi” off a teleprompter.

Here’s the full speech:

These gaffes are becoming more frequent.

Consider a Wednesday news conference on America’s supply chain crisis. Here Biden tries to come up with the name and title of Mario Cordero, the executive director of the Port of Long Beach:

Biden is tasked with addressing human rights abuses abroad and solving the supply chain problems at home, and this is how he shambled through two speeches in three days.

If this were an isolated incident, it wouldn’t be a big deal. Instead, the isolated incident is when he makes it through a speech unscathed. This should worry every American.

We can’t be sure what’s happening, but no reasonable observer can watch speech after speech like this and conclude nothing’s amiss.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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