
Biden Appears to Check His Watch During Dignified Transfer of Service Members Killed in Afghanistan


President Joe Biden got body-slammed on Twitter for a video in which he appeared to casually glance at his watch during a heartbreaking military ritual where the bodies of 13 U.S. service members were brought home to their grieving families.

In the video, first lady Jill Biden and her husband are seen at the Dover Air Force Base in Delaware on Sunday awaiting the arrival of the 11 Marines, one soldier and one sailor who were killed in a terrorist attack in Kabul last week amid Biden’s chaotic withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan.

At one point, the titular “commander-in-chief” of the armed forces furtively looked at his watch before folding his hands behind his back.

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Biden was excoriated for his disrespectful, tone-deaf gesture during what was supposed to be a somber, dignified ceremony honoring the brave men and women who sacrificed everything for a grateful nation.

Broadcast journalist Trish Regan tweeted, “I don’t care what your schedule is. These young men and women paid the ultimate price. Heartbreaking.”

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said Biden’s latest gaffe reminded him of when former President George H.W. Bush checked his wristwatch during a presidential debate in 1992.


Bush never lived down that devastating misstep. At the time, numerous pundits said that was the moment the 41st president lost the election to his Democratic challenger, Bill Clinton.

Huckabee said Biden’s blunder was far worse and “will be remembered” forever.

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Many others were disgusted by the president’s actions.

The past week undoubtedly has been the worst of Biden’s short presidency, during which he has weathered widespread bipartisan criticism.

In addition to his fumbling of the troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, the border crisis rages unabated, inflation skyrockets and crime waves continue to infest Democrat-controlled cities across the country.

As Biden’s poll numbers plummet amid a seismic shift in public opinion, numerous grieving parents blame the 78-year-old career politician for their children’s premature deaths.

Kathy McCollum is one of them. She said her 20-year-old son, Rylee, would still be alive if Biden hadn’t been so unprepared. Rylee McCollum was one of the 13 service members killed in the terrorist bombing at the Kabul airport.

“My son was one of the Marines that died yesterday,” she said on SiriusXM’s “The Wilkow Majority” on Friday.

“Twenty years and 6 months old, getting ready to come from freaking Jordan to be home with his wife to watch the birth of his son, and that feckless, dementia-ridden piece of crap just sent my son to die,” she said.

And it’s not just Biden who has blood on his hands, according to McCollum.

“I just want all you Democrats who cheated in the election, or who voted for him legitimately, you just killed my son,” she said. “With a dementia-ridden piece of crap who doesn’t even know he’s in the White House who still thinks he’s a senator.”

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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