
Biden Administration Sues Arizona Governor Because He Did What the Federal Government Refused to Do


Joe Biden’s failed presidency is spotlighted every day by the fact that unvetted illegal aliens flood the southern border every hour and little is done to deter this encroachment on U.S. sovereignty.

In the latest slap in the face to Americans, the Biden administration is suing outgoing Republican Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey for trying to secure the border by placing shipping containers along parts of the U.S.-Mexico border in his state, which is under daily siege.

This ad hoc wall was constructed pursuant to Ducey’s executive order in August. In his EO, the governor said he made the move after his repeated requests to Biden for help in securing the border went ignored.

On Wednesday, Arizona Attorney General Gary Restaino — a Biden appointee — filed a lawsuit against Ducey, claiming the shipping containers are “trespassing” on federal lands.

The suit also claims Ducey’s decision to secure the Arizona border from daily invasions is causing “environmental harm” to the land.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

“The United States brings this action to obtain appropriate relief for Arizona’s unlawful continuing trespasses and invasions of the United States’ paramount sovereign property rights and interests under the U.S. Constitution,” the complaint reads.

“This action seeks injunctive relief prohibiting Arizona from continuing to trespass on federal lands and violating and infringing on the United States’ constitutional rights and interests; halting ongoing installation and related activities; requiring the removal of previously installed shipping containers and all other associated materials, equipment, and vehicles; and requiring remediation of the environmental harm caused by Arizona’s unlawful actions.”

The irony of the claims in the absurd lawsuit is laughable.

Who is actually trespassing on federal lands and invading U.S. sovereign property rights? Thousands of illegal aliens.


Do you know what causes environmental harm? Hordes of people trampling across Arizona (and Texas, New Mexico and California) every hour.

Ducey said he had no choice but to construct a barrier because Biden refused to do anything.

“Arizona is going to do the job that Joe Biden refuses to do — secure the border in any way we can,” Ducey said in October. “We’re not backing down.”

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

There has been a record flood of illegal aliens since Biden was installed in the White House in January 2021.

His administration’s farcical assertion that empty shipping containers cause more environmental damage to federal lands than millions of people stomping all over them is stupid and specious.

The mountains of trash, human waste, diapers and lethal drugs generated by thousands of people crossing the border every hour is far more damaging to the land than inert shipping containers are.

Some of the trash discarded by the migrants washes into local rivers.

“The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) estimates that over 2,000 tons of trash are discarded at the Arizona border every year,” according to a 2018 report by the Centers for Immigration Studies.

“According to ADEQ, each ton of trash requires landfill fees of $37 to $49, which are footed by Arizona taxpayers … ADEQ further estimates that each border-crosser leaves an average of six to eight pounds of trash behind.

“Included among the specific impacts are watershed degradation, soil erosion, damage to infrastructure, loss of vegetation and wildlife, and escaped campfires,” according to the report.

The CIS research affirms a 2007 report by Rosa Oakes at New York University titled “Desert Trash: Illegal Immigrants’ Impact on the Environment.”

“A long list of items, including abandoned vehicles, can be attributed to illegal immigrant groups traversing the desert,” Oakes wrote.

“Items such as used needles, drug paraphernalia, plastic grocery bags, paper products, empty water containers, blankets, clothing, used disposable diapers, among other things.”

The report added: “The heaps of litter long forgotten by those forging ahead come at a great cost to those who must bear the responsibility of cleaning it up. Sadly, the affects on the environment cannot, so easily, be repaired.”

Did Biden’s minions read any of this research about the alarming environmental damage caused by mass illegal immigration before filing their frivolous lawsuit against Ducey?

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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