
Biden Admin Sued After Sneaking Deported Illegals Back Into US


There are no limits to the lengths the Biden administration will go to burden the United States.

That was revealed again last week when the Federation for American Immigration Reform, acting on behalf of the watchdog group Immigration Reform Law Institute, filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia against the Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

The claim? Failure to respond to a request under the Freedom of Information Act.

As the Democrats are all about using “standing” to sidestep justice in all types of critical cases and matters, turning the tables on them is warranted.

The public should be thanking the watchdog group for its efforts. When they learn the reason the IRLI is being so dogged, they will shake their heads.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

You see, not only has the Biden administration ignored federal law when it comes to border security and immigration, but it also appears to believe it can just make up and follow its own laws whenever it wants.

The case deals with the welcomed return of illegal immigrants back to our country — illegal immigrants who served in our military when originally here but were later deported for committing crimes. It seems the Biden administration wants to keep them here to help cause more chaos for American citizens.

According to the civil action filed by FAIR on Thursday, both the Department of Homeland Security and the USCIS failed to reply to requests made by the IRLI for documentation in the appropriate time allotted by federal law.

The lawsuit accuses DHS of withholding details about a policy announced on July 2, 2021, that allowed some illegal immigrants who served in the U.S. military to return to this country after having been deported.


“While these ‘deported veterans’ may sound sympathetic, they have overwhelmingly committed serious crimes, whether in the military or civilian criminal justice system,” IRLI said in a news release Monday. “Federal immigration law generally requires removal of aliens with significant felony convictions as well as certain misdemeanor convictions.”

Dale L. Wilcox, the group’s executive director and general counsel, said in a statement that the Biden administration “has made clear its desire to keep criminal aliens in the country, and now they are exploiting the American people’s support of military veterans to allow more potentially dangerous aliens to stay.”

“To make it worse, this White House is ignoring its legal obligation to respond to requests for information about this program,” he said.

Matt O’Brien, IRLI’s director of investigations, added, “The fact is, we don’t give U.S. citizens who commit felonies a free pass simply because they are veterans. IRLI would love to know why [DHS Secretary] Alejando Mayorkas and USCIS think it’s appropriate to launch a special amnesty, by executive fiat, that gives foreign criminals special treatment merely because they served briefly in our military services.”

On April 26, the IRLI requested from DHS all documents and policies pertaining to the return of noncitizen veterans to the United States since July 2, 2021, according to the complaint.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

It also sought all documents and emails pertaining to the noncitizens who had been approved to return.

Crickets came from the DHS, surpassing the 20 working days allotted to the department to reply.

The department finally answered the request on June 7 by kicking the can down the road, according to the complaint. We all know this strategy, right?

When you don’t want to respond, you simply move the problem to the next agency and layer it. And so FAIR and the IRLI were told that the original request was being pushed to USCIS.

By July 27, that agency contacted the plaintiffs through an email recognizing the receipt of the request, the complaint said. This was followed by a formal letter received through the mail requesting the scope of the request to be clarified and narrowed down.

While it appears to have been simply another layer added to delay responding to their request, the plaintiffs complied. Yet by Aug. 24, neither DHS nor USCIS had replied as required by federal law in any fashion, the complaint said.

The crickets were sounding ever more loudly.

That led IRLI to seek remedies in federal court, ultimately leading to the securing of the information requested so that it may gain complete and total insight into the Biden administration’s return of criminals across our border. And it wants its legal fees covered, too, after being pushed off and required to go to court to receive this information.

The Biden administration had better be ready to hand over the documents.

The whole thing adds further credence to the idea that this administration was erected to destroy the United States of America by any means. Mayorkas is leading the charge as another arm to this end.

We are being destroyed from within. Globalism and socialism are undoubtedly staring us right in the face.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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