
As Baby Formula Shortage and Inflation Worsen, Democrats to Hold UFO Hearings


America faces a series of worsening crises, including a major baby formula shortage, and growing economic and social unrest, and what are Democrats in Nancy Pelosi’s House of Representatives doing? They are pushing abortion bills and holding UFO hearings.

In a Fox News report last week, correspondent Chad Pergram noted that the priorities of the Democrats in Washington don’t seem to be jibing with the needs of the American people.

Instead of concerning themselves with gas prices, inflation, and a baby formula shortage, Pergram reported, “Democrats are focused on abortion.”

In a news conference Pergram included in the report, Florida Republican Rep. Michael Waltz highlighted the skewed priorities.

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“It seems like it’s easier to get a crack pipe in a government-funded smoking kit, than it is to find baby formula,” Waltz said.

Of course, Waltz was referencing a story that broke in February that claimed the Biden administration had included “crack pipes” in smoking kits handed out with its “harm reduction” campaign. While the story raised hackles, it was not substantiated that federal funds were actually used to include pipes in the federally-funded kits. Still, the controversy hasn’t died down.

Regardless, Waltz’s inference is clear. The Biden administration spent a great deal of energy and millions of tax dollars on kits for drug users while gas prices were climbing and conditions created a crisis that led to a serious shortage of baby formula all across the country.

As conservative commentator and Fox News contributor Katie Pavlich noted on “America’s Newsroom” on Friday, the baby formula crisis has been roiling for months. And the cause can be pinpointed in part to the Food and Drug Administration and its handling of a problem at an Abbott Nutrition plant in Sturgis, Michigan, which has been closed since February.


The plant at first issued a recall of baby formula after four infants got sick and two died from bacterial infections, according to Fox News. In statement Wednesday, Fox reported, the company maintained that a “thorough review of all available data” showed that “there is no evidence to link our formulas to these infant illnesses.”

“I think there’s a big government scandal brewing here,” Pavlich told “America’s Newsroom.” “There are reports that FDA investigation inspections of this Abbott plant, which provides the country with upwards of 40 percent of the country’s baby formula, shut down inspections during COVID, which of course, delayed this inspection process till now.

“February was three months ago. The FDA is taking a very slow time and making sure that this plant gets back online when the company itself says that their baby formula is safe,” Pavlich continued.

“And of course, they have a stake in producing safe baby formula. The timeline here of how the White House was caught off guard is becoming very obvious. Jen Psaki yesterday said that they’ve been working on this for months if that’s the case, and they’ve completely failed to prevent this catastrophe, this crisis,” she concluded.

The Democrats are also failing to address the worsening economy, but at the same time, they attempted to push through another $40 billion package of aid to Ukraine until Sen. Rand Paul scotched the effort by voting against it, according to The Hill.

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Paul had the power to do so because Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell were under a process intended to pass legislation quickly if it’s supported by all members, The Hill reported:

“Under the Senate’s rules any one senator can try to quickly set up a vote or pass a bill, but it only takes one senator to object.”

Paul was that one senator.

Saying that “we cannot save Ukraine by dooming the U.S. economy,” according to The Hill, Paul ended the effort adding, “Americans are feeling the pain [from inflation] and Congress seems intent only on adding to that pain by shoveling more money out the door as fast as they can.”

Meanwhile, news broke last week that Nancy Pelosi was planning to bestow House staffers with free Peleton fitness memberships paid for with tax dollars, to the tune of $120,000 a month, Fox’s Pergram noted.

According to Fox News, Pelosi considers the membership as part of the House “premier employee benefits.”

That isn’t all, either. It was also reported that members of the House can now get beer and liquor delivered directly to their offices as another perk of being a lawmaker, Pergram noted.

At this point, it’s awfully hard not to see that the Democrat-led Congress has a major problem getting its priorities straight.

On Tuesday, a House subcommittee is scheduled to hold hearings on UFOs (or “unidentified aerial phenomena” as they’re known these days).

California Democrat Adam Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, told The New York Times that the hearings are intended to study “one of the great mysteries of our time and to break the cycle of excessive secrecy and speculation with truth and transparency.”

For conservative Americans, one of the greater “mysteries of our time” is the fact that anyone gives Adam Schiff a shred of credibility. In addition to his role as one of the biggest pushers of the “Russia collusion” hoax during the Trump administration, he was easily the most visible House manager in January 2020 for the first impeachment trial of then-President Donald Trump.

But that’s the man who wants to get at the “truth”?

So, Democrats control the White House and both houses of Congress, governing a nation wracked by soaring inflation, gas prices that are eating into daily and weekly budgets, and a baby formula crisis that has parents of infants on edge nationwide, but they have their priorities.

They’re looking into UFOs (or “unidentified aerial phenomena”) this week.

So, if you can’t afford gas to get to work, and your baby is starving for formula, maybe you can divert your attention with that, America.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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