@NicXTempore / Twitter screen shot Rep. Ted Lieu Explodes, Angrily Shouts Down Congressional Witness 'Don’t bring in these college issues because this is not what the hearing’s about,' Lieu shouted at the man. By Jack Davis, The Western Journal March 27, 2021
Tommaso Boddi / Flickr 'The Talk' Co-Host Sharon Osbourne Officially Out After Defending Piers Morgan's Comment on Meghan Markle Sharon Osbourne is out of 'The Talk' after arguing with a co-host about her defense of Piers Morgan's critisicm of Meghan Markle. By Jack Davis, The Western Journal March 27, 2021
Lucia Macedo / Unsplash Bob Ehrlich: 6 of the Most Dangerous Ways Leftists Used COVID to Radically Change America 'Rahm Emanuel’s well-chronicled admonition (“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste”) has never been more germane.' By Bob Ehrlich, The Western Journal March 26, 2021
Young America's Foundation YAF Unveils 'Long Game' Initiative To Instill in Hearts of America's Youth a Love of Liberty, Opportunity 'I realized what we're doing is not enough, not because we're not well-intentioned but because the left is so overwhelming us,' Walker said. By Sponsored Content, The Western Journal March 26, 2021
The Western Journal 'WJ Live': Biden's Awful Press Conference Performance Is Making Us a Mockery to the World Joe Biden conducted his first formal news conference Thursday and proved he is not fully capable of going unscripted. By Allison Meadows, The Western Journal March 26, 2021
Gage Skidmore / Flickr White House Alters Official Press Conference Transcript to Cover for Big Biden Gaffe Why would the White House think it could get away with changing such an obvious gaffe from the president of the United States? By Isa Cox, The Western Journal March 26, 2021
Gage Skidmore / Flickr Fact Check: Biden Falsely Claims Nearly All Trump's Tax Cuts Went to Wealthy 'Did you hear them complain when they passed close to a $2 trillion Trump tax cut - 83 percent going to the top 1 percent?' By Cameron Arcand, The Western Journal March 26, 2021
@tedcruz / Twitter screen shot GOP Senators Detail Horrifying Late-Night Border Encounters: Cartels and Smugglers Taunted Us Republican Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and Mike Lee of Utah decried the appalling conditions they witnessed at the border. By Samantha Chang, The Western Journal March 26, 2021
Official White House Photo by Chandler West/ Flickr Psaki Can't Explain Why Biden Wouldn't Take Doocy's Questions, Instead Compliments His Socks Psaki denied the Biden administration is blacklisting Fox News on Friday and offered network reporter Peter Doocy a compliment on his socks. By Kipp Jones, The Western Journal March 26, 2021
State Department Photo by Freddie Everett/ Public Domain/ Flickr Photos Reveal Biden Had Cheat Sheet with Photos of Reporters and Who to Call on at Press Conference They were holding out on the news conference knowing Biden wasn’t up to it - plus, they needed time to print those handy cards. By Christine Favocci, The Western Journal March 26, 2021
@DavidLimbaugh / Twitter Limbaugh's Brother Addresses Fans Directly, Tells Them What Their 'Profound Love' of Rush Means Rush Limbaugh passed away over a month ago, but now his brother David speaks to the outpour of love from his fans. By Taylor Penley, The Western Journal March 26, 2021
Gage Skidmore / Flickr Buttigieg Floats 'Miles Traveled Tax,' Making Things Even Harder for American Families 'This is universally hated by people who actually are responsible for their own transportation and lifestyles.' By Cameron Arcand, The Western Journal March 26, 2021
Tyler Franta / Unsplash Political Efforts to Protect the 'Dignity' of Freelancers Could Deprive Them of Their Livelihoods Instead of helping workers like many lawmakers claim, the PRO Act would place an undue burden on independent contractors. By Samantha Kamman, The Western Journal March 26, 2021
Gage Skidmore / Flickr Elizabeth Warren Admits She's Fighting Big Tech So Companies Can't 'Heckle Senators with Snotty Tweets' Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren was outraged that Amazon would reply after she attacked the giant retailer. By Jack Davis, The Western Journal March 26, 2021
Byron Sullivan / Pexels As Dems Use Boulder Shooting to Push 'Assault Weapons' Ban, Police Reveal Shooter Only Used a Pistol Police identified the suspect's weapon as a pistol, but this didn't stop Democrats from pushing for a ban on 'assault weapons.' By Jack Cowhick, The Western Journal March 26, 2021
Gage Skidmore / Flickr Mitt Romney Selected as JFK 'Profile in Courage' Award Winner for Trump Impeachment Vote A committee top-heavy with Democrats is honoring Republican Sen. Mitt Romney for being against Donald Trump. By Jack Davis, The Western Journal March 26, 2021
Gage Skidmore / Flickr Mainstream Media Fact-Checkers Nail Biden for 'A Number of Incorrect Statements' During News Conference Joe Biden left some shattered facts in his wake at Thursday's news conference, according to the mainstream media. By Jack Davis, The Western Journal March 26, 2021
Gage Skidmore / Flickr Pelosi Makes Wildly Tyrannical Claim That She Had Right Not to Seat Iowa Republican 'Iowa law is what determines what our election processes is, how the ballots are included, and all of that was done.' By Randy DeSoto, The Western Journal March 26, 2021
Elvert Barnes / Flickr Al Sharpton Is Threatening Senators with 'Racism' Accusations in Bid to Kill Filibuster 'I fundamentally believe that Congress alone has the ability to create a unified threshold for democracy in our country,' Abrams said. By Jack Davis, The Western Journal March 25, 2021
National Fallen Officer Foundation / Twitter Slain Police Officer's Father Lashes Out at Those Using Son's Death to Push Gun Control The police officer who died in Monday's shooting respected Second Amendment rights, his father told a media outlet. By Joe Saunders, The Western Journal March 25, 2021
Gage Skidmore / Flickr Biden Mocks Trump Before Announcing He'll Likely Run in 2024 Biden laughed at Trump and said he would likely seek a second term during his first formal media briefing on Thursday. By Kipp Jones, The Western Journal March 25, 2021