@PresidentMadobe / Twitter screen shot Biden Busted? Revealing Photo Posted After Biden Admin Said It Withdrew Troops from Somalia The U.S. military supposedly has withdrawn from Somalia, which makes it odd that uniformed soldiers are shown posing for photos there. By Garion Frankel, The Western Journal May 24, 2021
Gage Skidmore / Flickr Dick Morris: Reapportionment and Retirements May Tip House to GOP 'Chalk up a net GOP gain of three seats from the Census and three more from retirements.That's exactly the six seats we need for control.' By Dick Morris, The Western Journal May 23, 2021
Fogarty International Center / Flickr One Year After Defying Trump on COVID Lab Leak Theory, Fauci Admits He's 'Not Convinced' of Natural Origin 'I think that we should continue to investigate what went on in China until we find out to the best of our ability exactly what happened.' By Jack Davis, The Western Journal May 23, 2021
@franckinjapan / Unsplash Video: TikTok Mom Says She Needs to Indoctrinate Her 'White Male' Son With Leftist Books So He Won't Be 'Awful' The video has already garnered over 1 million views on TikTok -- and has gotten attention beyond the confines of the video platform. By C. Douglas Golden, The Western Journal May 23, 2021
Gage Skidmore / Flickr Trump Sued $22 Million for Calling COVID 'China Virus' Former President Donald Trump is being sued by the Chinese Civil Rights Coalition over calling COVID-19 the 'Chinese virus.' By Jack Davis, The Western Journal May 23, 2021
Christian Wiediger / Unsplash Biden's Pentagon Plans to Spy on Military Members' Social Media to Find 'Extremist Material': Report The Biden administration's plans to quell 'domestic extremism' will go a step further as the Pentagon prepares to surveil service members. By Taylor Penley, The Western Journal May 23, 2021
@WashTimes / Twitter screen shot CNN-Paid 'Journalist' Inside Capitol Riot Has $90K Seized, Now Accused of Encouraging and Emboldening Rioters 'Under the guise of journalism … he is engaged in and incited violent activity, including the kind of destructive society we saw on Jan. 6.' By Isa Cox, The Western Journal May 23, 2021
Elliot Brown / Flickr Military Family Fighting HOA for Right to Fly American Flag in Yard A military family is pushing back after being told to take down Old Glory, while their HOA is saying that the rules are the rules. By Jack Davis, The Western Journal May 23, 2021
Victoria Rachitzky Hoch / Flickr Dems Claim More Threats Are Coming, Plead for More Personal Security Funding Democrats who supported harassing Trump administraiton officials now want millions for protection saying they face harassment. By Jack Davis, The Western Journal May 23, 2021
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development / Flickr Biden 'Ally' Economist Forced to Admit Admin Has Been Dead Wrong on the Disastrous Jobs Report Economist Jason Furman said 'we shouldn’t expect a short-term economic bump from reopening schools and making child care more available.' By C. Douglas Golden, The Western Journal May 23, 2021
U.S Secretary of Defense / Flickr US in Worrying Position as China's Top General Ignores Pentagon Requests 'The military relationship is strained, no question about that. But we certainly want to have a dialogue.' By Elizabeth Stauffer, The Western Journal May 23, 2021
Fox News screen shot Ted Cruz Denounces Controversial Army Ad, Says 'Woke Cancer' is Leftists 'Trying to Destroy the American Military' 'This woke cancer that the left is pushing, it is driven by an ideology that sees everything through a lens of identity politics.' By C. Douglas Golden, The Western Journal May 23, 2021
Chad Davis / Flickr Family of George Floyd to Be Hosted at White House 1 Year After His Death In a speech to Congress last month, Biden said he wanted to pass the 'George Floyd Justice in Policing Act' by the anniversary of his death. By Jack Davis, The Western Journal May 23, 2021
Gabe Pierce / Unsplash Portland Poll Shows Majority of Residents Want Police Presence to Increase or Remain the Same A new poll shows that the vast majority of people living in Portland oppose defunding the police, while many want more cops. By Kipp Jones, The Western Journal May 23, 2021
Yovan Verma / Pexels France Bans Schools from Using Gender-Neutral Words, Says It's 'Harmful' to French Language It might surprise the Biden administration to hear that not all foreign governments approve of the woketopia it's trying to create. By Elizabeth Stauffer, The Western Journal May 23, 2021
Gage Skidmore / Flickr Tom Cotton Shreds Military's Woke New Direction, Says It's Just What Foreign Intel Services Want to See 'But this is the modern Democratic Party,' Cotton told an interviewer. 'They see the entire world through the lens of race.' By Elizabeth Stauffer, The Western Journal May 23, 2021
ViralHog / Rumble screen shot Video Shows Heart-Stopping Moment That Woman Searched Frozen Pool to Save Dog Drowning Under Ice The woman dropped through the ice herself, plowing through the waist-deep section of the pool. Still, she couldn't find Sid. By Amanda Thomason, The Western Journal May 23, 2021
7News DC / Facebook screen shot Thugs Rack Up $2,000 in Fines in Vietnam Vet's Stolen Car, But City Sticks Him with the Bill A Virginia couple endured six months of mind-numbing frustration as the D.C. DMV demanded they pay for their attacker's traffic tickets. By Andrew Thornebrooke, The Western Journal May 23, 2021
Jones Boatyard / Facebook Man Builds Raft to Save Swan's Eggs After Decade of Watching Her Lose Them to Foxes and Floods Whether the eggs were eaten by foxes or swept away by floods, year after year, this particular pair has had little success. By Amanda Thomason, The Western Journal May 23, 2021
Aggressor Adventures / Facebook Famed Darwin's Arch Rock Formation Collapses Into the Ocean The rock formation is named after the British scientist Charles Darwin, who famously visited the islands in 1835. By Erin Coates, The Western Journal May 22, 2021
Associação Brasileira de Jornalismo Investigativo / Flickr '1619 Project' Founder Has Tenure Offer Pulled, University Now Says She'll Have to Earn the Position No doubt she will receive tenure at the end of five years, but at least for now, she'll have to prove she has something to offer. By Elizabeth Stauffer, The Western Journal May 22, 2021