Anna Shvets / Pexels Despite 'Delta' Alarmism, COVID-19 Deaths Hit 16-Month Low Despite renewed alarmism from Democrats and the establishment media, COVID deaths are at their lowest level since March 2020. By Kipp Jones, The Western Journal August 7, 2021
Negative Space / Pexels Establishment Media Goes All-In to Cover for Biden Admin, Defends Likely Illegal Eviction Ban 'The bulk of the constitutional scholarship says that it’s not likely to pass constitutional muster,' Biden said. The media didn't care. By C. Douglas Golden, The Western Journal August 7, 2021
Barrett Ward / Unsplash Nike CEO: We Don't Comment on China's Atrocities Because It's 'A Very Important Market for Us' 'We operate very aligned with our values, always have been, always will, including throughout our supply chain.' By Erin Coates, The Western Journal August 7, 2021
@TheSun / Twitter screen shot Camera Briefly Catches Back of Kim Jong Un's Head, Bandage on Back of Skull Fuels Speculation on Procedure The moment was originally published by North Korea-centric news outlet NK News after it noticed the aberration. By C. Douglas Golden, The Western Journal August 7, 2021
Brett Stone / Pexels Australian Officials Issue Soviet-Style COVID Broadcasts: Begin Turning in Your Neighbors Now 'Do not let your guard down. If you see somebody not doing the right thing, please, report it.' Does that not sound USSR-like to you? By C. Douglas Golden, The Western Journal August 7, 2021
@anniespratt / Unsplash Mike Huckabee: 7,000 Border Crossers Test Positive for COVID in McAllen, Texas 'This brings us to what Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said on Wednesday to President Biden, which is absolutely what needed to be said.' By Mike Huckabee, The Western Journal August 7, 2021
Gage Skidmore / Flickr Dem State Sen in AZ Arrested, Allegedly Engaged in Sexual Conduct with Same-Sex Minor The Arizona Democrat is accused of molesting a boy who police said was either 12 or 13 when the crime occured. By Kipp Jones, The Western Journal August 7, 2021
@mayertawfik / Unsplash Democrats Are to Blame, Not Trump: 29-Year Police Vet Debunks Capitol Cop Suicide Lies from the Media 'No one is talking about all the other cops who are killing themselves. The politicization of this topic is abhorrent.' By C. Douglas Golden, The Western Journal August 7, 2021
@_visalli / Unsplash Promoting Female Truckers, Climate Change Studies Just Some of the Items in Enormous 'Infrastructure' Bill The bill is supposed to focus on infrastructure -- like roads and bridges. Instead, we got $250 million to deal with invasive plants. By C. Douglas Golden, The Western Journal August 7, 2021
Grand Prarie Police / Facebook Police Warn Residents of Texas Town: Watch Out for Venomous Snake on the Loose While the cobra's owner believes it has died, authorities are still warning people to keep their eyes peeled. By Amanda Thomason, The Western Journal August 7, 2021
Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz / Flickr GOP Rep: Biden Committed 'Impeachable' Offense with Comment on Constitutionality of Eviction Moratorium The Democrats used flimsy, unsubstantiated grounds to 'justify' impeaching Donald Trump, but Joe Biden truly deserves it. By Randy DeSoto, The Western Journal August 6, 2021
Atlanta Uncensored / Twitter screen shot Compassionate Officer Buys Homeless Man Shoes After Seeing Him Barefoot During a Rainstorm 'These interactions never make the news. These deeds are just part of any given day for our men and women in blue.' By Amanda Thomason, The Western Journal August 6, 2021
Anna Shvets / Pexels White House Backtracks, Says Pandemic Unemployment Boost May Not Expire in Sept. After All White House press secretary Jen Psaki indicated that Biden might not let enhanced federal unemployment benefits expire next month as planned. By Kipp Jones, The Western Journal August 6, 2021
@OCFireRescue / Twitter Florida Firefighters Rescue 7 Pups from Unoccupied Home - Cause of Fire Unknown The owner's sister took the two dogs in critical condition to a local emergency clinic, where they are being treated. By Amanda Thomason, The Western Journal August 6, 2021
West Chester Area School District / YouTube screen shot Watch: After Describing Homeland 'Ravaged by Communism,' School Board Compels Police to Remove Woman The passionate mother was shut down by the school board president and made to leave after she demanded to know if CRT was being taught. By Isa Cox, The Western Journal August 6, 2021
@HananyaNaftali / Twitter screen shot Citizens Intercept Hezbollah Rocket Launcher After Group Fires at Israel for 1st Time Since 2006 Villagers in Lebanon attacked Hezbollah militants and intercepted a truck carrying a rocket launcher after the group fired missiles at Israel. By Andrew Jose, The Western Journal August 6, 2021
PBS via @TrumpJew2 / Twitter screen shot Watch: Little Girl Looks Uncomfortable as Biden Whispers in Her Ear When He Pulls Her Close to Him In yet another display of his inability to follow basic social norms, Biden whispered to a girl at a White House photo op. By Michael Austin, The Western Journal August 6, 2021
@blueshift12 / Unsplash USPS Goes Forward with Plan to Raise Prices and Intentionally Slow Mail Delivery The Postal Service is moving ahead with a plan that will slow mail delivery despite the objections of two members of the Board of Governors. By Jack Davis, The Western Journal August 6, 2021
@calebjamesfisher / Unsplash Ashli Babbitt's Family Lawyer Says Cop 'Ambushed' Her on Jan. 6 with No Warning Roberts made the very compelling point that if Byrd had indeed issued a warning, why did no one react to it? By Elizabeth Stauffer, The Western Journal August 6, 2021
@sawyerbengtson / Unsplash North Korean Defector Says She Was Called Racist After Defending Herself Against Chicago Mugger North Korean defector Yeonmi Park was labeled 'racist' for attempting to call the police on three muggers in Chicago last summer. By Taylor Penley, The Western Journal August 6, 2021
Suliman Sallehi / Pexels Resurgent Taliban Captures Afghan Provincial Capital, Assassinates Top Government Official The Taliban also seized the governor's office, the police headquarters and an encampment near the Iranian border, according to a local source. By Erin Coates, The Western Journal August 6, 2021