
'Are You Trying To Get Trump Re-Elected?' Employee of Attacked Kenosha Store Perfectly Educates Rioters


One working man called out rioters in Kenosha, Wisconsin, this past week, letting them know that their violent actions were hurting families and might have the effect of getting President Donald Trump re-elected.

The riots were in response to the police shooting of Jacob Blake on Sunday in Kenosha. Blake disobeyed officers’ commands as he walked over to his car and opened the driver’s side door. He was then shot in the back seven times. Police recovered a knife from the floorboard of Blake’s vehicle.

For days afterward, violent demonstrations ravaged Kenosha.

After some rioters destroyed the glass window of a local Papa John’s, an employee leaned out of the window and shouted out his justifiable tirade.

Dylan Brogan, a reporter for the Wisconsin news outlet Isthmus, posted a video of the incident on his Twitter account on Wednesday.

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“Are you trying to get Trump re-elected?” the employee yelled at demonstrators outside of the pizza shop. “Seriously.”

WARNING: The following video contains vulgar language that some viewers may find offensive:


“I got a family to support,” he said. “I got f—ing kids to feed.”

A protester yelled back at him, saying, “These people don’t represent our movement.”

The frustrated employee then threw his hands up and gave a cutting reply.

“Well, I’m sorry, but they’re with you,” he said.

That final line from the Papa John’s employee highlights a troubling fact that Black Lives Matter protesters need to wrestle with.

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There is nothing wrong with peacefully demonstrating for a cause you believe in, even if that’s based on flawed information.

That being said, after several nights of destruction, morally responsible protesters should find a way to demonstrate without giving cover to violent criminals terrorizing the streets.

If they did so, businesses, homes and even lives could be saved.

This wasn’t just the case in Kenosha — in the many cities that suffered from rioting over the past few months, it almost always started amid Black Lives Matter protests in the name of George Floyd, the Minneapolis man who died after a police officer knelt on his neck for roughly 9 minutes.

Despite the continued mayhem, protesters will continue to give cover to rioters, and the establishment media will continue to describe the events as “mostly peaceful protests.”

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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