
AOC Wants to Impeach Justice Clarence Thomas for the Same Thing She Is Accused of Doing


Last week, the left rose up in unison once again to attack U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, this time for allegedly “improperly” taking “gifts,” an accusation that spurred Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to call for his impeachment — despite her own record of behavior that is much worse.

The New York Democrat went on the attack along with the rest of the programmed left to call for Thomas to be removed from the court and threatened to begin impeachment proceedings against him after the establishment media began reporting on the justice’s frequent vacation trips with real estate developer and GOP mega-donor Harlan Crow.

The left-wing media outlet ProPublica published an extensive piece on Thursday detailing the 20-year relationship that Thomas has had with Crow, and revealed his repeated trips to Crow’s private resort, and vacations via private jet and superyacht to private islands and other exotic locales, all at Crow’s expense.

The outlet claims that none of the trips have appeared on Thomas’ financial disclosures, and further allege that the “failure to report the flights appears to violate a law passed after Watergate that requires justices, judges, members of Congress and federal officials to disclose most gifts, two ethics law experts said. He also should have disclosed his trips on the yacht, these experts said.”

Still, despite ProPublica’s huffing and puffing, the article admits that “There are few restrictions on what gifts justices can accept.”

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The attacks are no surprise, sadly. Leftists have been trying to impugn Thomas since the day he was nominated to the court. He has been subjected to a campaign of lies and racist attacks for 30 years because he opposes their anti-American, left-wing agenda.

For his part, Thomas released a statement saying that he handled the trips properly.

“As friends do, we have joined them on a number of family trips during the more than quarter century we have known them,” Thomas said in his statement.

“Early in my tenure at the Court, I sought guidance from my colleagues and others in the judiciary, and was advised that this sort of personal hospitality from close personal friends, who did not have business before the Court, was not reportabl. I have endeavored to follow that counsel throughout my tenure, and have always sought to comply with the disclosure guidelines.”


The report brought Ocasio-Cortez to a podcast with a spittle-specked proclamation that she was thinking of filing articles of impeachment against Thomas, saying, “I do think articles need to be introduced.”

On Thursday, on the podcast “Lever Time,” AOC called Thomas’ actions a “crisis” and an “emergency,” according to Fox News.

“If we decide strategically that the actual author of those articles and who introduces them may not be me, that’s fine, I will support impeachment. But I just think that if no one’s going to introduce it, I would certainly be open to doing so and drafting them myself,” she told host David Sirota, a former speechwriter for Vermont socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders.

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“I think this has gone far, far beyond any sort of acceptable standard in any democracy, let alone an American democracy.”

AOC’s attack is interesting in light of the mounting accusations that she, herself, has a concerning habit of taking lavish gifts without disclosing them.

In one of the more blatant examples, AOC took great criticism for attending the $35,000-per-ticket Met Gala in 2021 at which she absurdly wore a white dress with the words “Tax The Rich” emblazoned in red across the back.

A House Office of Congressional Ethics probe into AOC’s actions at the gala eventually found that the congresswoman violated House rules governing the acceptance of gifts. The report, released last month, said there was “substantial reason to believe that she accepted impermissible gifts associated with her attendance at the Met Gala in 2021.”

In addition to the tickets for the gala, which were provided by Vogue magazine editor Anna Wintour, according to the New York Post, Ocasio-Cortez was found to have taken things for her Met Gala from everyday working people and spending months if not more than a year refusing to pay them for their service.

AOC stiffed limo drivers, makeup people, shoe retailers, and more with her big night out, according to reports.

On a side note, even the person who designed AOC’s “Tax The Rich” dress ended up being outed for refusing to pay thousands in taxes.

If Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is all exercised over a culture of corruption in Washington D.C., she just might want to start by cleaning up her own outrages against ethics.

Americans are sick to death of these double standards and constant cries for impeachments. It’s time the Democrats stopped politicizing everything and simply do the right thing.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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