
Is Anybody Home? Very Confused-Looking Biden Herded Away by Handlers


President Joe Biden has been in office for just over five months, and so far he has done nothing to quiet concerns about his mental acuity.

On the contrary, he has only fueled suspicions that the leader of the free world might be descending into dementia as he forgets words, mixes up names and more.

That time he seemingly forgot what the Pentagon is called and whom he’d appointed to run it was particularly unsettling.

The gaffe-prone president has also told reporters he’d “get in trouble” if he spent too much time taking their questions. On several occasions.

Well, I think we might have figured out who’s in charge of keeping Biden away from those pesky reporters — and what he’d do if left to his own devices.

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Reporter Charlie Spiering tweeted a video on Friday that showed the president leaving the Green Road Community Center in Raleigh, North Carolina.

A very slow-moving Biden is ushered along by handlers until he catches sight of the crowd gathered outside.

Now, even though Biden’s staffers would prefer him not to answer questions off the cuff — as White House press secretary Jen Psaki has admitted — sometimes they simply can’t stop him.

In this instance, Biden clearly gets distracted by the reporters shouting questions at him and begins to shuffle toward them.

He begins to speak before his handlers briefly manage to tear his attention away. He follows them with the complacency of a cooperative nursing home patient — only to stop and haltingly turn around, appearing more than a bit confused.

The president of the United States being carefully herded along by handlers while he tries to mumble answers to eager reporters is a very, very bad look.

I am certainly not qualified to tell you anything about Biden’s cognitive health. But according to those who are, the red flags are flying.

The Mayo Clinic has a list of symptoms that could be indicative of dementia, and the correlation to Biden’s behavior is almost uncanny.

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These symptoms include memory loss, difficulty communicating or finding words, inappropriate behavior, confusion and disorientation, and agitation, all of which fit Biden to a tee.

Here he is confusing Syria with Libya three times in one go:

He frequently slurs his words to the point of incoherence:

He struggles with coordination:

He snaps at reporters:

He is most certainly guilty of inappropriate behavior:

And of course, as seen in Raleigh, he appears confused and disoriented — again, and again, and again.


Check, check, check, check and check for symptoms of dementia. At what point does this become a pressing matter of national interest?

Last week, White House physician-turned-legislator Rep. Ronny Jackson and 13 other Republican lawmakers wrote a letter to Biden calling on him to take a cognitive test like the one famously administered to former President Donald Trump.

“The American people should have absolute confidence in their President,” the letter read. “They deserve to know that he or she can perform the duties of Head of State and Commander in Chief.”

“They deserve full transparency on the mental capabilities of their highest elected leader. To achieve this, we urge you to submit to a cognitive test immediately.”

This request is more than fair.

If it was necessary for Trump to take a cognitive test, then Biden needs to spend a few days at Walter Reed undergoing some exhaustive medical scrutiny at the very least.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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