
Antifa Thugs Descend on Tacoma, Start Fires and Trash Buildings


Residents of Portland, Oregon, and Seattle seem genuinely shocked that us crazies on the right think there’s anything amiss in the Pacific Northwest.

Riots? What post-inauguration riots caused by antifa-allied groups? Haven’t the events of the past few weeks driven home that the real threat is the far right? Antifa is fake. And anyway, if you’re anti-anti-fascist, what does that make you, hmm?

In fact, it became an in-joke on Twitter; when “Portland and Seattle” trended, it was mostly because of tweets like these:

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

Apparently, if you find yourself in the pleasant position where you live at a dignified remove from unrest by the far left in Washington state, the only unrest you have to pay attention to is unrest by the far right in Washington, D.C. For those who aren’t so lucky, it’s a bit more of a bother.

On Sunday, it wasn’t Portland or Seattle feeling the brunt of the riots, but instead the city of Tacoma, roughly 30 miles southwest of Seattle. According to KIRO-TV, a police officer there was caught on video Saturday driving a vehicle through a crowd after being called to break up illegal street racers. A group of people surrounded the vehicle and were banging on its windows and doors. After trying to back up, the officer felt threatened enough to drive forward, hitting one person.


Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: The Tacoma News Tribune said the demonstration “began peacefully but rose to a level that included scattered property damage.”

Perchance you have a different definition of “scattered property damage” or we’ve become inured to rioting over the past year, but here’s what “scattered” apparently looks like:

George Soros Has Ties to Group That Bailed Out Suspect in Attempted Murder of Mayoral Candidate

On attacking a bail bondsman’s office: It’s probably not great form to vandalize a service you might well need in the immediate future.

Perhaps some sympathy was extended to the Tacoma antifa-ites because they were smashing up the courthouse, jails, sheriff’s vehicles and other property that belonged to the city, leading to some buildings being evacuated. This is in spite of the fact that Tacoma — much like Portland and Seattle — isn’t exactly known for being an easy place for a Republican to get elected, appointed or hired.

Residents might not have been as sympathetic, considering they were told to get “out of your homes, into the streets” by demonstrators marching through their neighborhood.

Small-business owner Alexander Schelhammer, 32, pointed out the obvious to the News Tribune when he said the “protest isn’t being led by people on a megaphone from Tacoma.”

“The trash cans were brought out, I get it, build that barricade,” Schelhammer said.

“Somebody started lighting it on fire and I asked them, ‘Yo, are you from here? Are you from Tacoma?’ He said, ‘No,’ and I was like, ‘As someone who is from here, who has been resisting the city, who has been resisting the police, who has been resisting the Northwest Detention Center, who has been resisting the Liquid Natural Gas plant, as someone who is born and raised here who is very passionate and wants the best for everyone around me, lighting a trashcan on fire in my city is not OK.’ I asked them to stop.

“The citizens of Tacoma are here too,” Schelhammer continued. “But as someone who has been working for years to make this city a more habitable place, more equitable place for everyone, I didn’t like that being on fire. No one from Tacoma lit that on fire.”

Yes, but watch the gatekeepers enable them.

The News Tribune’s line about how the protests “began peacefully but rose to a level that included scattered property damage” is an example, but hardly the worst. Antifa-related violence was barely touched upon by the establishment media when it peaked last summer, and the riots in Portland and Seattle on Inauguration Day were barely covered.

When they were, it was with a kind of mystification these folks were still at it now that Joe Biden was now president, not that antifa members were carrying signs like this:

Fiery but mostly peaceful rhetoric there.

In Tacoma, again, this wasn’t just about a police officer who was surrounded by protesters and drove into one. The antifa rioters smashed up small businesses, called for prisoners to be released from jail (one would presume at least some of them deserve to be there) and intimidated residents who presumably had nothing to do with it.

In addition, there were two arrests made before the riot involving people, dressed in all black and wearing riot gear, who were trying to pick a lock on the secure area of an apartment building. One allegedly had a handgun, the other double-bladed knives and batons. It’s unclear whether the arrests were related, although it’s not a good look.

It took days for the White House to formally condemn the antifa riots in Portland and Seattle; originally, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said she hadn’t even talked to the president about the violence. Now we can all stop talking about this, thank you very much. Don’t you remember the Capitol incursion? Let’s talk about that, and please let’s use the words “sedition” and “complicity” a lot.

This kind of violence isn’t a new phenomenon, and it didn’t start with George Floyd. It wasn’t about Donald Trump and it wasn’t about fighting fascists.

These are hooligans; pretending otherwise because they’re leftist hooligans is enabling them.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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