
Anti-Trump Tech Tycoon Lectures Middle Class for Complaining About Burglars


Have you ever been the victim of a crime?

If so, you should take a moment to feel sorry for your victimizers.

That’s the opinion of Andrew Sampson, CEO of video-game streaming service Rainway.

The tech tycoon took to Twitter to lecture middle-class people who complain about their homes being burglarized.

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Sampson told those who believe in private property and the right to defend it to check their privilege.

This is a remarkable take, akin to telling a woman that being raped should make her question why the system failed her rapist by not providing him with a willing partner and therefore making him feel that rape was his only option.


Sampson’s statement is designed to make the victim feel bad and the criminal feel justified. It flies in the face of both logic and human decency.

It also assigns motivation to burglars — motivation that simply isn’t backed up by evidence. Cities across the country have seen an uptick in crime this summer, but it isn’t people stealing just to get by.

It’s violent criminals committing murders at record rates. It’s opportunistic “peaceful” protesters looting high-end retailers. It’s criminals feeling emboldened by anti-police measures sweeping the nation.

The left wants us to believe that criminals exist only because they’ve been let down by an unfair system. They claim crime would disappear if the government would  provide more social programs and implement an all-encompassing Green New Deal.

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That’s the underlying message of Sampson’s tweets: If the Democrats could only pass their socialist agenda, nobody would need to resort to crime, so nobody would.

Sampson is the perfect example of an entitled liberal.

Sampson came from nothing, but he has become rich and successful through his own hard work and ingenuity. He grew up poor, received a Thiel Fellowship — a privately funded $100,000 award for young entrepreneurs who skip or drop out of college — and now runs a successful video-game streaming service.

Sampson is the perfect example not only of how capitalism can and should work in this country, but also of the American Dream.

Instead of recognizing that he has benefited from capitalism, Sampson has the gall to lecture the middle class about why someone would want to burglarize them. He’s essentially running cover for the burglars, painting them as the victims instead of the people they stole from.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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