
'Anti-Racism,' Equality Icon Paid 70 Percent More than Black Woman for Same Job


As is the case with most far-left activists, it turns out they don’t exactly practice what they preach.

That turned out to be the case for speaker and “anti-racism” activist Robin DiAngelo.

DiAngelo has committed perhaps one of the worst sins that “anti-racist” progressives consistently preach against: She was paid more than a black woman for doing the exact same job.

According to receipts obtained by the Washington Free Beacon, the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Division of Diversity, Equity and Educational Achievement paid black female author Austin Channing Brown $7,500 to give a keynote address at its annual Diversity Forum. The organization had previously paid DiAngelo, a white woman, $12,750 to give a keynote speech.

Leftists have consistently shown how hypocritical they are when it comes to the gender pay gap myth, which claims that women and minorities are paid less than men and white people for doing to same work.

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Back in 2016, Hillary Clinton, who spent much of her presidential campaign harping on “equal pay for equal work,” was caught similarly red-handed when it was revealed that the Clinton Foundation’s leadership team had a whopping $81,000 average gender pay gap, according to CNN.

If the pay gap myth is to be believed, both DiAngelo and Clinton are actively upholding the racist and sexist structures they purport to fight against.

In DiAngelo’s case, however, the hypocrisy is especially striking, given what it is she is paid to talk about.


A proponent of the strange, pseudo-religious philosophy known as “anti-racism,” DiAngelo preaches that all white Americans are inherently racist and benefit from a series of unseen forces known as systemic racism.

The only way that white people can atone for their racism and privilege is through “anti-racist” activism, which involves confessing one’s guilt and adopting various redistributive economic policies that allegedly level the playing field for minority groups.

Ironically, while DiAngelo rakes in piles of cash teaching this nonsense, she also disparages capitalism.

During an interview with The New York Times, DiAngelo outlined her belief that capitalism is itself racist.

“Capitalism is dependent on inequality, on an underclass. If the model is profit over everything else, you’re not going to look at your policies to see what is most racially equitable,” DiAngelo said.

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Of course, that belief isn’t going to stop her from benefiting from inequity, even at the apparent expense of her less profitable colleagues in the race-hustling industry.

In reality, the reason DiAngelo was paid more had nothing to do with her race: Given the high level of success her book has received, there is now a much higher demand for her within the race-hustling circuit.

So far, thanks to the greatly increased free-market demand for DiAngelo’s rhetoric following the explosion of the Marxist Black Lives Matter movement, the author makes as much as $30,000 for speaking events and has reportedly netted over $2 million in sales from her best-selling book “White Fragility,” according to the Free Beacon.

True free-market capitalism, like the kind now operating in America, is colorblind.

Capitalism values market skills over skin color.

A true solution to greater racial inequity won’t be found by dismantling one of the freest economic systems in the world; doing so would inevitably make things much worse.

Instead, the real way to create true equality would be through pursuing policies that help impoverished communities gain more market skills, such as school choice and opportunity zones.

Additionally, the most effective solution would likely be to dissolve, or at least lessen, the current welfare state’s subsidies for impoverished individuals, which disincentivize those communities from gaining market skills.

Unfortunately, activists like DiAngelo don’t promote those solutions.

Instead, they merely see the economic suffering of minority communities as an opportunity to cash in.

It’s easy to criticize capitalism when the free market has created an incentive for you to do so.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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