
Another Asian Attack and Another Black Suspect as Black Victimhood Narrative Continues to Disintegrate


While the left has been more than happy to jump on the hashtag “StopAsianHate,” the reality of who is often behind brutal, anti-Asian beatings is rather inconvenient for their overall narrative of the white monopoly on oppression and hate.

In the latest chilling incident of a major inconvenience to this narrative on anti-Asian hate, a 61-year-old Chinese man who was collecting cans in Manhattan to make ends meet was brutally assaulted and is now in a medically induced coma as his devastated wife fears he might not make it.

Yao Pan Ma was attacked from behind and then repeatedly kicked and stomped by a man in a dark jacket and baseball cap at about 8:20 p.m. Friday at the corner of 3rd Avenue and 125th Street in Harlem, according to police. The suspect remains at large.

According to the New York Post, the victim was in a medically induced coma and listed as being in critical but stable condition at Harlem Hospital as of Monday. The outlet also noted that he had resorted to collecting cans after losing his restaurant job in September. He and his wife, Baozhen Chen, came to the United States to seek a better life.

Footage of the horrific attack was initially released Saturday as the New York City Police Department sought help from the public to identify the suspected assailant:

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

On Sunday, the NYPD released additional images of the suspect:

We are relentlessly told that all social ills can be blamed on white supremacy and that black people are perpetual victims of this system. But I ask, in the case of this cruelly assaulted Asian man, does his suspected attacker look like a white supremacist to you? Or like a perpetual victim of the system?

Now I don’t know who needs to hear this, but every man, woman and child on this earth was made equal in the eyes of the creator whose image they bear.

The thing is, we live in a fallen world in which the wickedness of the human heart is just as nondiscriminatory as God’s love for us — a love that can overcome human wickedness.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

The deepest moral danger of ideas like intersectional politics or critical race theory is that they erroneously associate victimhood with virtue. While adherents to these ideologies might feel virtuous dolling out compassion to the victims of perceived racism, they ultimately demote the human worth of the victims of crimes perpetrated by people of color — at least, when they’re not just blaming white people for these crimes.

Black victims of white police brutality like George Floyd are canonized as cultural saints while black victims of black-on-black crime — like the woman Ma’Khia Bryant nearly stabbed — are utterly and completely ignored. Meanwhile, Asian victims of black crime are used as ploys in a flimsy yet hysterically promoted argument that our Western system is racist.

Let that all sink in for a moment.


Critical race theorists can only see race, making them blind to the true source of injustice in this world — sin and hate.

A quick perusal of human history or even a few moments reading international news will quickly show you that man’s inhumanity to man is not bound by the color of one’s skin. Yes, white people are capable of and have committed heinous atrocities.

However, this does not negate the fact that people of color still persecute, assault and murder other people of color — including members of their own race — as well as white people. Like white people, they have always been fallen and sinful, and until kingdom come, always will be.

And this is why the crux of our response to critical race theory is to point to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and fundamental biblical truths about who we are, why we’re here and where this is all going in the end.

Evil isn’t inherently associated with whiteness or blackness — it’s inherently associated with humanity and our own inhumanity toward one another.

As long as we continue to deny this basic reality of the challenges our society faces as we strive for equality and justice, inequality and injustice will thrive.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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