
Lindsey Graham Declares 'We're in a Religious War,' Suggests Israel 'Level the Place'


Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina says in a new video that Israel should do whatever is necessary to fight back against Hamas and Iran.

“I am appalled by anyone who would blame Israel for the ongoing situation in the Middle East. Iran and Hamas do not want a two-state solution, they want a one-state solution. They want to destroy the Jewish State. We’re in a religious war and I unapologetically Stand with Israel,” he wrote in a post on X to which he attached a clip of comments he made and video from Fox News.

“We’re in a religious war here and I am with Israel. Do whatever the hell you have to do to defend yourself. Level the place,” Graham said as the video came to a close.

WARNING: The following video contains vulgar language that some viewers may find offensive.

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Earlier in the video, Graham rebuked those condemning Israel and supporting the Palestinian cause in the aftermath of an attack on Israel by Hamas that has left more than 1,200 people dead.

“To Cornel West and the Black Lives Matter group who believe that Israel is responsible, that’s bull***t. I thought you were smart people, but this? Kids at Harvard: You’re blaming the Israelis? Please. This is just absolutely appalling, disgusting,” Graham said.

“To the Secretary General of the United Nations, who I consider a friend, you said today we had to understand this conflict in a greater context. My friend, Hamas doesn’t want a two-state solution. They want to kill the Jews just like the Nazis did. I am tired of appeasing Hamas; apologizing for them. They want to kill Israel; so does the Iran. The Ayatollah wants to destroy the Jewish state,” he continued.


Graham said those claiming Hamas wants to share land with Israel have it wrong.

“They don’t want to co-exist with Israel. This is not a land problem, a boundary problem. It’s a problem of ‘You cannot live in my world. My God determines that you die.’ The Germans believed that the Jews were inferior people and their goal and Final Solution was to eradicate the Jewish people while Iran and Hamas believe that the Jewish people should die as a result of religious teaching,” Graham said.

In comments to CNN posted by Breitbart, he said there is no alternative to an Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip.

“Gaza has been radicalized over generations. I think we can do business with the Palestinian Authority. We can’t do business with Hamas. So, Israel is going to have to go in and dismantle Hamas, like we took down the Germans and the Japanese. They’re going to have to reoccupy the Gaza Strip and build up a new generation that will be better for the Palestinian people in Gaza and better for Israel,” he said.

“It’s going to take a destruction of Hamas like we destroyed the Third Reich and a reoccupation to get a new generation of people who really do buy into peace. And as long as Iran goes unchecked, nothing changes,” he said.

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Graham said Iran should pay as well.

“This is a terrorist state that has American blood on its hands. It is now time to dismantle the financing system of terrorism if this war escalates. Yes, I would do the joint military operation. I would tell the Iranians today if the war escalates, you will pay a price. You will be out of the oil business,” he added.

In comments to Fox News on Monday, Graham said no solution will work unless Iran’s role is addressed.

“The only way you’re going to keep this war from escalating is to hold Iran accountable. How much more death and destruction do we have to take from the Iranian regime? I am confident this was planned and funded by the Iranians,” Graham said.

“Hamas is a bunch of animals who deserve to be treated like animals.”

Graham also has hard words for the House Democratic progressives who call themselves the squad and have repeatedly criticized Israel.

“To the ‘Squad’: Shut the hell up. You’re emboldening the enemy. You’re a disgrace to the United States Congress. You’re siding with terrorists over a democracy called Israel,” he said.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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