
Biden Under Fire After Nominating One of Hunter's Former Associates for Key Special Counsel Position


President Joe Biden usually pursues his corrupt ends with more subtlety than this.

On Tuesday, the White House announced that Biden had nominated Hampton Dellinger to a position in the Office of the Special Counsel.

Outraged critics pointed out one serious problem — Dellinger once worked alongside Hunter Biden, the corrupt president’s corrupt son.

In July, two IRS whistleblowers testified before the House Oversight Committee that the Department of Justice had frustrated their investigation into Hunter Biden’s alleged tax crimes.

Wednesday on X, the Oversight Committee pointed out the obvious problem with Dellinger’s nomination.

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“Amid Hunter’s smear campaign against the two brave IRS whistleblowers, President Biden has nominated a former colleague of his son to lead the Office of the Special Counsel, which investigates whistleblower retaliation allegations,” the committee posted.

Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz went further.


In a lengthy post on Wednesday, Gaetz called the OSC “a top federal watchdog tasked with protecting our nation’s civil servants from political targeting.”

Gaetz added that the president had nominated a “close friend of Hunter to protect the Biden Crime Family from accountability.” Thus, the Florida congressman called on Dellinger to “withdraw his nomination.”

Otherwise, the appointment would “send a chilling message to civil servants everywhere: you are not protected, and you will continue to be targeted by the Bidens if you look into the real crimes committed by the President’s family.”

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On Thursday, Fox News explained the nature of Hunter Biden’s relationship with Dellinger.

From 2009-2014, the president’s son worked at the New York-based Boies Schiller Flexner law firm. Dellinger worked on the firm’s crisis management and government response team.

Based on evidence from Hunter Biden’s notorious laptop, Fox reported that the first son “worked intimately with lawyers on the firm’s crisis management team.”

Dellinger and Hunter Biden exchanged emails. They went to the same lunches and dinner parties.

Interestingly, Boies Schiller Flexner also represented Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian energy company at the center of the Bidens’ corruption scandal.

Hunter Biden reportedly “introduced Burisma as a potential client” of the firm shortly after a dinner that Dellinger had attended. Fox said it is “unclear whether Dellinger was involved” in anything related to Burisma.

Dellinger, of course, donated thousands of dollars to the president’s 2020 campaign.

His nomination shocks but does not surprise us.

Honest actors concern themselves not only with impropriety but with avoiding the mere appearance of it.

An honest president, therefore, would have nominated someone who had never come within a thousand miles of his family.

Joe Biden, however, was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1972. He has spent half a century in government. In all likelihood, he no longer distinguishes between honesty and graft.

To the president’s corruption we might now add overt thuggery.

Having arrested his chief political rival, he naturally has no qualms about sending threatening signals to whistleblowers.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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